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< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Location Outside of the Zalkin-Sul Egg Mine
Race Nord Gender Male
Health 39,959
15,000 (In the Mysterious Chamber)
Reaction Friendly

Lothnarth is a Nord miner who can be found outside of the Zalkin-Sul Egg Mine egg mine.

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After the abduction of Sun-in-Shadow at the behest of Magister Gothren, you will need to travel Tel Aruhn to bargain for her release. The Magister will require you to complete some tasks, eventually ask you to steal a special Dwarven device hidden by Magister Otheri in his Kwama mine.

Once you reach the Zalkin-Sul kwama mine, Lothnarth will be outside and can be asked if you have found the right place.

"Hey. You need something?"
Is this the Zalkin-Sul kwama mine?
"Sure is. You looking for work? Nah, you're the adventurous type. Only time you'll lift a pick is to bash in some beastie's skull, am I right? Of course I am.
What brings you out here to the arse end of nowhere?"
I just want to have a look around.
"Well it isn't locked. Go ahead and take a peek.
Might want to keep it quiet though. Don't want Otheri's guards spotting you—trust me. They keep things locked down tighter than my fat auntie's bodice."

(If you are Khajiit or Argonian)

"Well it isn't locked. Go ahead and take a peek.
Might want to keep it quiet though. Don't want Otheri's guards spotting you—trust me. They see you dragging that tail around and they'll clap a pair of irons on you quicker than spit."
Thanks for the warning. Can you tell me more about this place?

After he gives you some advice, you can ask him some questions about the mine:

"Sure. I've got a few minutes.
Ah, who am I kidding? I've got plenty of time. What do you want to know?"
Anything I should look out for down there?
"Other than Otheri's guards? We have cave-ins every now and again. Unruly slaves and such.
Then there's Mzanchend … but I'm sure you're not interested in that."
"Ash get in your eyes on the way here? You can't miss those gloomy old Dwarf towers.
Way I hear it, the Mzanchend ruins cut right under the mine. Plenty of treasure down there just waiting to be plucked. That's what I've heard anyway."
What exactly are you doing out here?
"Just stretching my legs … and keeping an eye out for Magister Otheri. You know these Telvanni—always barging in without warning and throwing their weight around.
Come to think of it, he's been visiting more often than usual. I wonder why."
Do you work in the mine?
"Yeah. Well, honestly I mostly just act Like I'm working. Pay's the same and you sweat a lot less."
Do you like … sort of working here?
"Stuck up Dark Elves, ash storms, slave labor pushing down wages … what's not to like?
Eh. I shouldn't belly-ache. It is what it is and I need the coin. Got to take the opportunities where you find them."

Speaking to him again before entering the mine:

"You need something else? Just call it out, bear cub."

After finding the Dwarven Prism in the Mysterious Chamber, Lothnarth will arrive after you:

Lothnarth: "Crazy machine, eh? Figured you'd find it quickly enough."

Talking with him, Lothnarth will have an offer for you:

"Ha! I knew you weren't interested in kwama caves. One of those blackhearted magisters sent you to filch this thing, am I right?"
Good guess. So, what's your role in all this?
"I've got a proposition.
I can tell you what little I know and give you a key to Mzanchend. In exchange, you give me any notes you find in there. Anything about how it was built, what it does, anything. Got a nice offer from an interested party."
I guess that's a fair trade.
"So we've got a deal? Good.
Now, pin those ears back and listen. Otheri locked the crystal in this machine to keep it working, but he took certain parts so no one else could turn the damn thing off. We get those parts, we get the crystal."
I have a better idea. Why don't we cut out your silent partner? [Bribe]
"Well, that does make things easier. Gold's gold, right?
So, Otheri locked the crystal in place and took certain parts of the machine so no one else could turn the damn thing off. We need those parts to turn off the machine and get the crystal."

Either option will lead to the same question:

Where can I find the parts?
"The parts you need are somewhere in Mzanchend, but I'm not sure where.
I spent a lot of time watching Otheri. From what I can tell, you'll need a crank, a spur gear, one of the smaller pistons, and some kind of handle."
Crank, gear, piston, handle, Got it. I've got a few more questions.

You can ask him more questions.

"Sure. I've been keeping a sharp eye on Otheri ever since he set up shop in here.
I still don't know what the damned thing does, but I'll tell you what I can."
Did the prism come from inside Mzanchend?
"Prism? Oh. Right, now I see it.
I guess he found it in the ruin, yeah. All kinds of Dwarven antiques in there, along with the parts you need. I think he hides the pieces to keep us from nabbing the crystal, the paranoid old skeever."
And you have no idea what this device does?
"Sorry, but I skipped school the day they taught Dwarf machine-magic. Got no idea, friend.
I could hazard a guess. Looks a little like my pa's old jaw harp. So maybe it makes music or something? Some kind of death-music I bet. Damn Dwarves."
How did you come to have a key to Mzanchend?
"A rascal like me has to look out for his own interests, right?
Otheri dropped his key a few days back. I grabbed it and made a wax mold while he wasn't looking. Didn't take long to make a rough copy. You've got to jiggle it a bit, but it works."

Speaking to him again:

"Good luck in there, bear cub. Kyne only knows what's clanking around those ruins."

Just before you enter the ruins, Lothnarth will call out to you:

Lothnarth: "Don't let some dwarven trap slice you up, eh?"

If you agreed to his proposition when you get back to the Mysterious Chamber, Lothnarth will be waiting for you.

Lothnarth: "So? Any luck?"

Speak to him.

"Shor's bones, you were gone a long time. Had me a little worried! but here you are, all in one piece.
So,don't keep me in suspense. You find those notes I asked for?"
Yes. I found this technical logbook.
"Let's see. Oh yeah, this is just the thing. Ha! You're all right, bear cub!
Once I pawn this gibberish off, it's chill winds all the way back to Skyrim! I'll finally breathe crisp mountain air again—not lung-fulls of ash and kwama spit."
Glad to hear it. Now I need to get this prism unlocked.

As you approach the prism Lothnarth will leave first:

Lothnarth: "Wait until I leave to unlock that thing, all right? I'm not anxious to see what happens when you pull that crystal … prism. Whatever."