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HomeĀ Settlement Shimmerene
Location Shimmerene Waterworks
Race High Elf Gender Male
Health 127,470 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile Class Shadow Mage
Other Information
Faction(s) Black Wake
Court of Bedlam

Mirulon is a High Elf and the leader of the Black Wake. He is masquerading as an exile, although he is actually a member of the Court of Bedlam using Arathel to assassinate the Sapiarch of Shimmerene, Aicantar.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Fright Force
Basic magical attack.
Pool of Shadow
An AoE attack which is centered on the caster. Once it is cast, the pool will remain for a few seconds, any time spent within the AoE will cause damage.
This interruptible attack when cast will fire 2 slow moving AoE circles in the direction the Shadowshaper is facing.
Shadowy Duplicate
The Shadowshaper will teleport a short distance away, leaving a Shadow in their place. The Masque will then cast an AoE around itself and then explode.

Quest-Related EventsEdit

When you approach Mirulon's Chamber, you'll hear an exchange between Arathel and Mirulon:

Arathel: "I won't kill anyone! I told you!"
Mirulon: "The time for protests has passed, child. You will serve us... whether you want to or not."

During combat he'll say:

Mirulon: "So the rat queen sends her vermin to destroy me? Come then!"


  • Unlike most quest-related enemies, Mirulon exists in the Shimmerene Waterworks before starting the related quest and can be killed then. This has no bearing on the quest however as he will simply reappear once getting to the objective to kill him.