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ON-icon-achievement-Red Petal Bastion Vanquisher.png Red Petal Bastion Vanquisher
Type Waking Flame Achievements
Points 10
Needed for Waking Flame Scout
Furnishing(s) Trophy: Prior Thierric Sarazen (page)
Silver Rose Banner (page) 0001200012,000 Gold
Defeat Rogerain the Sly, the Artifact Bearers, and Prior Thierric Sarazen in Red Petal Bastion.

Red Petal Bastion Vanquisher is awarded for completing Red Petal Bastion for the first time in Normal mode. If you do so in Veteran mode, you will also earn Red Petal Bastion Conqueror at the same time. You will receive the Trophy: Prior Thierric Sarazen (page) upon completion and you may purchase a Silver Rose Banner (page) from Undaunted Quartermasters for 0001200012,000 Gold.