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Home Settlement Dusktown
Location Near the stables
Race Nord Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly

Rola is a Nord miner who is employed by the Bitterblade Mining Consortium. She can be found shoveling near the stables in Dusktown.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

After you arrive in Blackreach while tracking an assassin, you can go into the town and question some of the locals. You can talk to Rola but she is in no mood to chat.

"Go bother someone else, horker! If I don't finish this by the end of my shift, the overseer will have my hide."
I'm looking for someone who wears a patch over his left eye.
"Feh. What do I look like, the town crier? If the overseer wanted us to be observant, he wouldn't have blindfolded us when he brought us here."
You were blindfolded?
"You weren't? Hmm. Up to this point, the overseer and his wife have been extra careful about keeping the exact location of this mine and the mining town a secret.
What makes you special, I wonder?"
I'm just looking for a man with an eye patch.
"Well, I haven't seen anyone like that.
Now pick up a shovel and help me, or hork off. I can't afford to lose this job."

If you try talking to her again, she'll say:

"I've got nothing else to say to you.
Now go away before you get both of us in trouble."


  • She only appears during the related quest.