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Location Corgrad Wastes
Race High Elf Gender Male
Health 15,000
Reaction Friendly

Ruliel is a High Elf found outside the Corgrad Wastes. He is a member of a group of other outcasts of various races, living outside of society. He asks you to investigate the strange disappearances of his other friend in the wastes.

Related QuestsEdit

  • Wasting Away: Assist an estate's heir as he uncovers the truth about his family's past.

Quest-Related EventsEdit

As you approach the Corgrad Wastes, you'll spot a small camp with a mixed group:

Puhnara: "Quiet! Someone approaches! Is it Karnhar? I can't scent him!"
Faidur: "Disappearances are all the more reason for you to leave."
Ruliel: "No, Puhnara. I'm sorry."

When spoken to:

"Sorry, stranger. My friend can't see too well anymore. She mistook you for someone we've been looking for. Things have been rough, lately."
Who are you looking for?
"More than a few of us have disappeared recently. Karnhar's group are just the latest. They set out to search for the missing and vanished themselves.
We're giving those buried ruins a wide berth now."
You think the ruins are the source of the disappearances?
"They've stood quiet for decades. But now? New, yawning sinkholes. Eerie sounds at night. I don't jump at shadows, but missing people? That's a warning I can heed.
If you head down there, take a look around for our friends. Will you?"
I can look for your friends.
"You're a kind soul. Be careful, we've lost a lot of kind souls of late.
That pushy noble, Faidur, might know something about that. He arrived not long ago claiming to own the place. Certainly acts the part."
You're at odds with Faidur?
"He was friendly enough with his questions. About this land, the manor, and so on. Eventually he tried to convince us to show him around and started getting pushy when we refused, pressuring us to get off his property."
You suspect he's trying to scare you off?
"He happened along after our people started vanishing and he's got reason to want us gone. Raises an eyebrow, yeah?
All I'm suggesting is maybe it's time someone started pressuring him for details."
Why did you come here to begin with?
"It's quiet, and usually free of nosy locals shooing us away. Too scared of the curse. There are a lot of superstitions about this place, but it was nice here. Until recently."
What kind of superstitions?
"The details vary, but they all revolve around the town being wiped out and swallowed by the sea. The sort of divine wrath stories that keep average folk from straying from their safe, comfortable lives."
What makes you different?
"Nowhere else to go. The wastes, as they call them, have been a safe haven for the outcast and unwelcome for a long time.
We kept to ourselves. Never invited trouble. It showed up anyway."
What else can you tell me about the sinkholes and the sounds coming from the manor?
"Not much. The land just opens up like a yawning mouth without warning and swallows everything above.
Noises echo out of the holes sometimes. Beastly sounds, or what you'd swear were whispers."

Speak to him after speaking to Faidur and he'll add:

"Don't let your guard down out there. Especially with Faidur at your back."

Go with Faidur into the Wastes and discover the secrets it holds. Return to Ruliel with a few of the survivors and he'll ask:

"I can hardly believe it. You found Henrigg and Mindoril! But, where are the others?"
They didn't make it. I'm sorry.
"No, you've done more than anyone ever has for us. If anyone's to blame, it's us. We survive out here by sticking together, but we let fear keep us from doing what needed to be done.
Was it quick?"
I think so. Henrigg and Mindoril suffered the worst of it.
"I can see … tortured. Why? Just for the fun of it?"
The lost people of Corgrad were trying to revive their masters. I put a stop to it.
"Gods … I'll heed curses more closely in the future. The locals were right to avoid this place."
It won't be safe here, not yet. You should take your people elsewhere for now.

Speaking to him again after giving him the news:

"I should have tried harder to keep them from going into those ruins."

Speaking to Ruliel after completing the quest:

"Just thinking about what sits below us makes my skin crawl. We can't leave fast enough."