Name |
Ancestral Orc: Boots |
13 |
- Ugron gro-Thumog
- This book smells like some Orc stuffed it in his boot and kept it there for the last few centuries. Still, a good read.
Type |
Motif Chapter (Ancestral Orc Style) |
Difficulty |
Simple |
Lead |
Name |
Antique Map of Stormhaven |
N/A |
- Ugron gro-Thumog
- This is an Orcish map. Hard to believe it's real. Hardly anything from the time of first Orsinium survived the war that broke it. This map outlines the territory claimed around the Bjoulsae River. There's a settlement marked: Golkarr.
- Gabrielle Benele
- Wasn't that the name of the Orc king from the thirty-year siege? I'd read that he invaded Stormhaven and blockaded Wayrest's trade lanes. There wasn't any mention of an Orc settlement. Was Golkarr an early casualty of the war?
- Ugron gro-Thumog
- It may never have been built. I doubt a treacherous ruler like Jolie would have tolerated Orcs for neighbors even if Golkarr was established peacefully. The justification for the razing of Orsinium was likely just the first of Jolie's many betrayals.
Type |
Furniture |
Difficulty |
Simple |
Lead |
Name |
Secession Stamp Block |
250 |
- Ugron gro-Thumog
- Unfinished wood block, stained black with ink. Circa 2300 of the First Era. Took a rubbing of the carved face. It is a diatribe calling citizens of Wayrest to demand secession from the Alessian Empire, citing prejudice against Elven heritage.
- Verita Numida
- An expert, if dry, assessment, Ugron. This sort of vague, incendiary language smacks of propaganda meant to weaponize the populace for private interest. It strains credulity that Wayrest endured a thousand years of oppression before revolting.
- Ugron gro-Thumog
- Then you might find Lost Orsinium and The Pig Children enlightening. You'd be surprised the number of indignities people are willing to suffer. The emphasis on increasing Imperial tithes does support your assertion that money was behind this movement.
Type |
Treasure |
Difficulty |
Simple |
Lead |
Name |
Ancestral Orc: Maces |
13 |
- Ugron gro-Thumog
- Maces are an Orc favorite, always have been. The ones addressed in this book seem particularly brutal. Maces with pointed heads are an entirely different breed of weapon.
Type |
Motif Chapter (Ancestral Orc Style) |
Difficulty |
Intermediate |
Lead |
Name |
Nedic Hex Totem |
1,000 |
- Verita Numida
- This wooden figure appears to be an Orc, but its features are greatly exaggerated to appear menacing. Based on the deliberate defacement and hostile appearance, I believe the Nedes did not have a friendly relationship with local Orc clans.
- Ugron gro-Thumog
- It depends on the clan. There's ample evidence of harmony between Nedes and Orcs in Craglorn. But you're right—clans in Stormhaven tended to take a more offensive posture against non-Orc neighbors and each other. We hadn't learned the value of unity yet.
- Gabrielle Benele
- I believe the metal objects protruding from this effigy was [sic] stabbed into the figure with ritual intent, for cursing, it you will, but I've found no evidence of spellcraft. It might have been used in prayers to Daedra though, or simply cathartic.
Type |
Treasure |
Difficulty |
Intermediate |
Lead |
Name |
Direnni Palatial Art |
5,000 |
- Amalien
- A palatial portrait of the Direnni royal family! This likely would have hung in the halls of the Adamantine tower at the heights of their rule. I'd love to know more of who's depicted here, but there's a lack of distinguishing features. In fact, the family resemblance borders on simulacra. It's hard to believe a royal artist would be so lazy. Though, despite mingling with Nedes, only pureblooded Direnni rose to power. That would mean ... ew, no. Maybe they really did reproduce though sorcery.
Type |
Treasure |
Difficulty |
Advanced |
Lead |
Name |
Dwarven Breastguard |
N/A |
- Gabrielle Benele
- This plate clearly connects to a spinal and neck structure that holds inner workings of a vamidium's shoulder-machinery. It lacks some sort of stone, though. Perhaps a resonator sockets in there somehow.
Type |
Mount Fragment (Ebon Dwarven Wolf) |
Difficulty |
Advanced |
Lead |
- "Curious Dwemer Rubble" near the Orgnum's Scales clothing station in the Earth Forge, Pressure Room III
Name |
Noble Knight's Rest |
N/A |
- Gabrielle Benele
- Ah, a relic from the homeland! It's clearly a sarcophagus. The question is, who's buried inside? Judging by the state of the stone, I'd say late first Era. A servant of one of the pretender-kings that took power after the Alessian secession, perhaps?
- Reginus Buca
- Undoubtedly. The Alessian collapse struck High Rock harder than most, given the Bretons' natural stubbornness and distaste for a unified governing structure. Warring fiefs sprung up all over the peninsula in the centuries that followed.
- Gabrielle Benele
- We Bretons are a stubborn lot, it's true. I did some digging, and it looks like those seals on the side derive from House Moorcroft heraldry. This knight might have died in the Gavaudon Troubles, just before the flight from Wayrest. Fascinating!
Type |
Furniture (view furnishing) |
Difficulty |
Advanced |
Lead |
Name |
Beacon of Tower Zero |
N/A |
- Gabrielle Benele
- What's this? The White-Gold Tower rendered in miniature? Odd that it doesn't include the city itself. Doubly odd that it's giving off such a strong magical aura. What function did this serve? And what's this light radiating from the top?
- Verita Numida
- This isn't the White-Gold Tower. It's the Direnni Tower. Surely you can recognize the differences between the two? The light is a puzzle, though. Judging by the weight, this stone might house a metal core, just like the genuine article.
- Amalien
- Well, it's not a simple lamp to read by, I can tell you that! It seems like a beacon of some kind—something to be seen at a great distance. The Direnni might have used it as a geographic marker to gauge the distance of objects from the Adamantine Tower!
Type |
Furniture (view furnishing) |
Difficulty |
Master |
Lead |
Name |
Malacath's Brutal Ritual Oil |
N/A |
- Ugron gro-Thumog
- This ritual urn bears the mark of the Brutal Breed. An Orc named Borug gro-Bashnarz founded the cult and served as its head supplicant. Legends attribute him as the one who received the Brutal Bands from Malacath himself. Hard to believe, even for an Orc.
- Gabrielle Benele
- Right. I remember that story. From the Orsinium Codex. Malacath appeared before him and gifted him with a ring for every member of the cult--after they sacrificed an entire village of Bretons to the Ashpit. Ghastly.
- Reginus Buca
- And you're certain this urn contains the ritual oil used to anoint the Brutal Bands? It is believed that every cultist carried the oil to apply to their rings as a sort of prayer or request for perseverance in the face of endless adversity.
Type |
Mythic Item Fragment (Malacath's Band of Brutality) |
Difficulty |
Master |
Lead |