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Home Settlement S'ren-ja
Location Clanmother's House
Race Khajiit Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly

Tazia is a Khajiit who can be found at the Clanmother's House in S'ren-ja.

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Small Town ProblemsEdit

She will be annoyed about her current duty when you approach her:

"Tazia deserves better than this. She's a good person."

Tazia can be found fixing the bridge down the road from the merchants' stalls. Speaking to her:

"Bright moons, traveler. Welcome to our little town of S'ren-ja.
Tazia does not suppose you'd like to help her fix the bridge?"
Not particularly. What's wrong?
"Apologies, I'm just a little tired. Clanmother Shuzura's last assistant, Rakhad, quit very suddenly, and Tazia has had to scramble. Many things to fix, many problems that need solving."
Problems? What kind of problems?
"Oh, you know. This is a small town. Even the smallest issue becomes a matter for waterhole chitter-chatter.
If you are not a carpenter, perhaps you would be willing to take on some of these problems? Speak with the Clanmother?"
I could do that. Where can I find her?

Asking where you can find the Clanmother:

"Bright moons light your path, my new friend! Clanmother manages town business from her office at home.
You cannot miss it, the largest building in town."
Why did this Rakhad quit?/Why did the Clanmother's assistant quit?
"This one does not know. Some kind of difference of opinion?
Tazia would suggest you speak with the Clanmother if you'd like to know more."
What kind of problems are you having?
"Oh, you know. Small things for a small town. One of the older persons was complaining of rats.
And Tazia thinks someone said children were stealing their crops."

Rat ProblemsEdit

Inside the well you'll find the Khajiit:

Tazia: "Shh, come here. And be quiet."

Speaking to her while she's hiding:

"Keep your voice down. Tazia has no interest in slavery today, thank you."
What's going on? Who are these people?
"While you were talking to Milk Eyes, Tazia was patching some holes in the well, and … well. She fell in.
It looks like the old cat has bigger problems than rats! Do you smell that? They're running a skooma lab down here!"
What are we going to do?
"Tazia is going to hide right here. She's no smuggler-killer. As for what you should do, the chemicals they use are very flammable. You might be able to smash up the tables. Then just find a torch or a lamp. Burn the lab all at once!"
I'll smash the tables and burn the lab.
Who are you, again?
"Tazia. The Clan Mother's attendant, along with Zal-sa … who, now that she thinks about it, she hasn't seen in hours.
That's not important right now."

Speaking to her again:

"Don't worry. Tazia will not be moving. She has no interest in any kind of heroics."

After destroying the tables but haven't burn the lab yet:

"There is still more for you to do."

After setting the place alight, you'll find that Tazia has dragged you outside:

"Are you well? That was quite the show."
What happened?
"Tazia grabbed you, got you out of there. There was an explosion, like we hoped, and then smoke and fumes from the skooma. We won't have to worry about that lab anymore."
You pulled me out?
"Tazia just did what anyone would have done, she thinks.
Ahem. Tazia will go tell the Clan Mother what has happened here. You go tell Milk Eyes his 'rats' are gone, yes?"
I will. And thank you, Tazia.

If you have not helped Kalari or Ezzag yet, she'll add:

"There is still more for you to do."

Loose EndsEdit

After finishing business with the Clanmother, speak to Tazia:

"You have served this community with distinction."
Thank you, Tazia. Shuzura said something about a few coins?
"Here you are. I know Shuzura is hard to deal with, so Tazia will say what she cannot. S'ren-ja's path is lit by bright moons. All because of you, traveler.
From this day forward, you are always welcome in our little town."

Afterwards she'll say:

"You have served this community with distinction."