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Online:The Wing of the Indrik

< Elder Scrolls Online: Quests: The Scholarium
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Quick Summary: written by Kallykat, not checked

Walkthrough: written by Kallykat, not checked

Quest Stages: written by Kallykat, not checked
Find the Indrik Luminary and earn his sigil to power the Scribing Altar.
Zone: The Scholarium
Quest Giver: Votary Nahlia
Location(s): Auridon, Del's Claim, Ondil, Wing of the Indrik, Xul-Thuxis, Direnni Acropolis
Previous Quest: The Second Era of Scribing
Next Quest: The Wing of the Netch, The Wing of the Dragon, The Wing of the Gryphon
Reward: High Leveled Gold
Sigil of the Luminary Indrik
XP Gain: High Experience XP
ID: 7197
Enter the Wing of the Indrik
After an eventful patrol into an ancient ruin, Votary Nahlia and I have uncovered a mystic library and a forgotten form of magic. While Nahlia contacts the Mages Guild, it's down to me to learn more about Scribing.

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Talk to Votary Nahlia, the Crow, and the Echo of Introduction.
  2. Find the True-Sight Lens.
  3. Read the Fable of the Indrik.
  4. Use a focal point and the lens to read the annotated Fable of the Indrik.
  5. Meet the Crow in Auridon and follow its instructions to dispel three wards and collect the 1st Indrik Key Fragment.
  6. Go to Ondil, dispel three wards, and collect the 2nd Indrik Key Fragment.
  7. Go to Buraniim, dispel three wards, and collect the 3rd Indrik Key Fragment.
  8. Take the key to South Beacon and reveal the door.
  9. Go through the door to the Wing of the Indrik and speak to the Indrik.
  10. Place the fable on the dais.
  11. Complete two of the Indrik's challenges and return to the Indrik:
    • Challenge of the Anchor - destroy a dark anchor in Auridon.
    • Challenge of Teamwork - participate in a Battlegrounds match.
    • Challenge of Strength - defeat a delve boss in Auridon.
    • Challenge of Cleansing - slay undead in Auridon.
  12. Track the Indrik Fawn through Del's Claim, Xul-Thuxis, and Direnni Acropolis.
  13. Defeat Huntmaster Caynar and dispel a ward to free the Indrik Fawn.
  14. Return to the Wing of the Indrik and collect the Sigil of the Indrik.
  15. Place the sigil on the Altar of Scribing.
  16. Talk to Chronicler Firandil and Votary Nahlia.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

The True-Sight LensEdit

Speak to Votary Nahlia near the Scribing Altar. You can ask about the Order of the Lamp and the Mages Guild members she plans to bring to the Scholarium if the Votary Commander agrees, and she will instruct you to speak with the Crow to find out more about Scribing.

The Crow can be found perched atop a podium outside the door to the Wing of the Indrik on the lower floor of the Scholarium Main Hall. She tells you Ulfsild left behind notes and echoes (illusions) to guide you in the process of regaining the cooperation of the Luminaries.

Speak to the Echo of Introduction by activating the purple orb floating above a small podium just south of where you spoke to the Crow. An illusion of Ulfsild will appear and tell you find the True-Sight Lens in the east wing. Speak to the echo if you want to hear the instructions again.

Go to the Scholarium East Wing and into the room with the fireplace. Take the True-Sight Lens from another small podium by the western wall. The sparkling lens will be removed from the podium and another purple orb will take its place. You can activate it to listen to the Echo of the Lens tell you that the lens will allow you to see magic the way Ulfsild saw it, including signposts left by the Luminaries. If you speak to the echo, it will also tell you to seek out the Indrik Luminary first.

Return to the Crow in the Scholarium Main Hall near the Indrik's door for an explanation of how the lens works. Basically, having the lens will allow you to see focal points, impressions left by the Luminaries. Standing in a focal point and using the True-Sight Lens will reveal hidden magic. The Crow instructs you to test the lens on a fable.

A Focal Point

The Fable of the Indrik is on a small table to the right of the Crow, near the Netch's door. Read it and then turn around. On the floor in front of you, you should see a smoky purple circle that represents a Focal Point. Walk into it and get a view through the lens to activate a temporary True-Sight buff indicated by purple magic around the edges of the screen. Walk back to the fable and read it again. Notice that you can now see red annotations added by Ulfsild.

Opening the DoorEdit

Based on Ulfsild's annotations, the fable takes place in Auridon. Speak to the Crow again to confirm that's where you are headed. The Crow says she will meet you at the Lady standing stone to be your guide. You can ask follow-up questions about the Luminaries' fables and their connection to the Scribing Altar.

One way to reach Auridon is to head back upstairs and through the door to the Guild Portal Hub room. Ahead and to the right will be a Portal to Auridon. Taking it will drop you off outside the Mages Guild in Vulkel Guard. From there, go northeast past the wayshrine out of the city, and then head north and slightly west to reach the Lady Mundus Stone.

As you approach, the Crow will perch on a small bridge nearby. Talk to her, and she will explain that you need to find three pieces of a key to a door to the domain of the Luminary. She will call out additional instructions as you work through the steps.

A hidden ward revealed

There are three focal points surrounding the Lady—one to the east, one to the southwest, and one on the bridge to the north. Start by entering one of the focal points and using the True-Sight Lens. This will activate the True-Sight buff for 30 seconds, which will allow you to see a Ward of the Indrik nearby. (You can actually see all three wards since they are in close proximity to one another.) When you approach a ward, you will be able to dispel it from a short distance. If the buff wears off, you just repeat the step of entering a focal point and using the lens to regain it.

Once you have dispelled the final ward, the first Fragment of the Indrik's Key will be revealed on the shore, hovering and emanating magic. An image of the Crow will be flying in circles above it. Take the key fragment and speak to the Crow who has landed nearby to hear about the next steps. She also says she will return to the Scholarium at this point as you are meant to finish these steps alone, but she reminds you that you still have Ulfsild's annotations to guide you. You can read the annotated fable again at any point by using it in the Quest Items tab of your inventory.

The second key fragment can be found in the ruins of Ondil, a delve that lies to the north of the Lady, west of Phaer. Make your way there, and enter the delve. You will hear the Crow encouraging you as you reach the location. You will need to repeat the process of finding and entering a Focal Point, using the True-Sight Lens to locate a ward, and dispelling the Ward of the Indrik three times in order to locate the key fragment.

The three wards are in the large room in the west of the map. There is a focal point at the top of the stairs leading down into the room from the south, and the ward can be seen on the column in the center of the room. There is another focal point at the bottom of the stairs that turn west, and the ward can be seen above a light on the western wall. There is another focal point in the southeast corner of the room, and the ward can be seen on the wall under an arch near the northern staircase. The second Fragment of the Indrik's Key will be revealed on the northern staircase's landing. Take it and exit the delve.

The third key fragment can be found on Buraniim Isle off the coast west of Mathiisen. Make your way there. You will hear the Crow encouraging you as you reach the location. The three focal points surround an Ayleid Aetherial Well near the center of the isle. There is a ward near the arch to the northwest of the well, a ward on the broken wall to the east of the well, and a ward on the tall wall near the tree to the south of the well. After dispelling all three wards, the third and final fragment of the Indrik's Key will be revealed near the well. Take it, and the fragments in your inventory will form the Reforged Indrik Key.

A hidden door revealed

The Indrik's Door can be found on the isle of the South Beacon lighthouse on the southwestern coast. Make your way there. You will hear the Crow encouraging you as you reach the location. Head up to the lighthouse from the north side of the isle. The focal point will be to the right of the lighthouse door. Use the True-Sight Lens while standing in it to watch the key reveal a door to the Wing of the Indrik a short distance to the west. Enter the door.

The Indrik's ChallengesEdit

The door will take you to the pocket domain of the Indrik. As you approach the platform before you, the Indrik will appear to your left, teleport to the platform, and greet you. Talk to the Indrik and answer whether or not you deserve the power of Scribing. (All answers will continue the quest.) The Indrik will ask you to place his fable on the Fable Dais near the door in order to reconnect his domain to the Scholarium. When you have done so, speak with him again.

The Indrik talks about the meaning of power and proposes you complete two challenges so he might know what power means to you. You can also ask more about the challenges, Scribing, this domain, and the Luminaries. There will be a scroll floating next to the Indrik when you finish the conversation. Take it to read about four possible challenges you may choose to complete. The scroll can then be re-read from your inventory any time while you work on completing the challenges. Exit through the door to the Scholarium. Don't forget to use the Guild Portal Hub for easy travel.

You must complete any two out of the four challenges below.

When you have completed two of the challenges, return to the Scholarium via any wayshrine. (The Scholarium Wayshrine can be found on the map by first navigating out to the world map and selecting the icons for Eyevea and then The Scholarium.) Enter the Wing of the Indrik via the now-accessible door on the bottom floor of the Scholarium Main Hall.

The Final TaskEdit

Speak to the Indrik, and he will congratulate you on completing his challenges. He will then ask you to right a wrong he committed when he gave a small part of his power to an Indrik Fawn being pursued by a hunter. The two are now trapped in an unending chase. He tells you to use the True-Sight Lens to follow their trail, starting in Del's Claim, a delve in Auridon. You can question him further about the past incident or the other Luminaries.

You can use the Guild Portal Hub to help make your way to Del's Claim. Head down the tunnel until you reach the first fork in the path. Use the focal point you see there. An illusion of an indrik fawn will run toward you from the tunnel on the right and head into the tunnel on the left. Follow it north. As you enter a larger cavern, you should see another focal point to the right. Use it to see the fawn run down the tunnel that heads east from this room. Follow it again to use the next focal point at the next fork in the path. The illusion will run down the left tunnel this time. As the tunnel opens into a cavernous room, you will find another focal point. Using it will reveal a Portal to the Indrik's Path across the water and show the fawn's illusion slip into it. Take the portal.

You will arrive just inside the entrance to Xul-Thuxis, a delve in Murkmire. Head west down some stairs until you reach a focal point. Use it to reveal the fawn below. Follow it through the doorway to the east and then up the stairs to the south. Turn right at the top of the stairs to find the next focal point. Using this one shows the illusion crossing the bridge to the south. Follow it and enter the door to Xul-Thuxis Temple. Continue along the path to Xul-Thuxis Antechamber. Use the focal point here to reveal another Portal to the Indrik's Path. Take the portal.

Huntmaster Caynar and his wolves

This time you will arrive in Direnni Acropolis on Summerset. There is a focal point ahead, in front of the Keeper's Oath. This time using the focal point will cause the Hunter Presence illusion to appear and entreat the fawn before it leaves through the door to the Forsaken Undercroft. Continue following the path down two flights of stairs until you reach the next focal point. Using it will show the hunter and his hounds closing in on the indrik fawn. They will chase it through the door to Lauriel's Crypt. Follow through the door and cross two bridges until you catch up with Huntmaster Caynar and his two wolves, Wyla and Ulla. Defeat them or go around them.

The Indrik and the Indrik Fawn

The Blessed Indrik Fawn will be standing nearby, dazed and emanating Luminary magic. As you approach it, the Indrik Luminary will appear and tell you to dispel the ward to free the fawn of the unwanted power. Use your lens in the focal point next to the Indrik to find the Ward of the Indrik's Power right above the fawn. Dispel the ward.

The Indrik and fawn will bow. Then the fawn will approach the Indrik as if asking a question. The Indrik will agree to let the fawn seek safety in his domain. After you leave this place, the Indrik Fawn will indeed show up in the Indrik's pocket realm.

The Sigil of the IndrikEdit

Take the Portal to the Wing of the Indrik that has appeared nearby and speak to the Indrik in his domain. He will offer you the Sigil of the Indrik and tells you to use to imbue the Scribing Altar with his strength. He will bow to you, and the sigil will appear hovering next to him and emanating magic. Take the sigil and exit to the Scholarium Main Hall.

Go upstairs to the Scribing Altar. (You'll notice Adept Irnard Rirnil has arrived and is standing nearby.) Use the sigil to activate the Fountain of the Indrik on the altar. You will see the blue magic spread from the altar down the channel and to the Indrik's door, illuminating the columns on either side with constellations. More members of the Mages Guild, Julian Catous and Votary Llaren, will be standing behind you when you turn around. You can hear them greet you, comment on what they just witnessed, and direct you to Nahlia.

Find Votary Nahlia in the Scholarium East Wing with Chronicler Firandil. She will respond as soon as you enter the room, introducing Firandil and instructing you to speak with him. Talk to the Chronicler to find out more about his task here and to hear how an indrik fawn has already led him to some grimoires and scripts.

Then talk to Nahlia to find out how her conversation with the guild's leadership went and catch her up on your adventure. Concluding this conversation will complete the quest. You can ask additional questions about Firandil and the unmarked door.

Quest StagesEdit

The Wing of the Indrik
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
If anyone can help me learn about Scribing and the Luminaries, it's the Crow. I should speak with her about next steps.
Objective: Talk to the Crow
The Crow said Ulfsild left echoes behind for whoever would follow in her footsteps. There should be an Echo in the main hall to start me on my path.
Objective: Find the Echo of Introduction
I found a pedestal with one of Ulfsild's echoes. I should listen to what it has to say.
Objective: Listen to the Echo of Introduction
Ulfsild's echo mentioned something called the True-Sight Lens, which should be awaiting me in the library's east wing. I should search for it.
Objective: Find the True-Sight Lens
The True-Sight lens was right where the echo of Ulfsild said it would be. I should bring it to the Crow to see what comes next.
Objective: Talk to the Crow
Optional Step: Listen to the Echo of the True-Sight Lens
The Crow instructed me to read the Fable of the Indrik. The text should be somewhere right here in the Scholarium Main Hall.
Objective: Read the Fable
I've read the Fable of the Indrik. Now the Crow wants me to look through Lens of True-Sight at a focal point.
Objective: Peer Through the Lens Within a Focal Point
By looking through the True-Sight Lens, I've revealed annotations within the Fable of the Indrik. I should read the book again and see what Ulfsild had to say.
Objective: Read the Annotated Fable
I read the Fable of the Indrik and viewed the annotations left by Ulfsild. I should talk to the Crow about what comes next.
Objective: Talk to the Crow
According to the fable, our search for the Indrik starts in Auridon. I should meet the Crow at the standing stone of the Lady.
Objective: Meet the Crow in Auridon
The Crow landed near the standing stone and seems eager to talk. I should see what comes next.
Objective: Talk to the Crow
To enter the Indrik's domain I need to open its door. To do that, I need to form a key. I need to use the True-Sight Lens at focal points in the area to reveal wards, dispel them, and unveil the hidden key fragment nearby.
Objective: Dispel the First Set of Indrik Wards: 0/3
The wards are dispelled and the first key fragment has been revealed.
Objective: Take the First Indrik Key Fragment
With the first fragment of the Indrik's key in my possession, the Crow wants to speak to me once more.
Objective: Talk to the Crow
I'm on my own, the Crow has returned to the Scholarium. I need to find the set of wards hiding the second Indrik key fragment. I can use the fable in my pack as a guide.
Objective: Find the Second Set of Indrik Wards
Objective Hint: Reference the Fable in Your Pack
Objective: Dispel the Second Set of Indrik Wards: 0/3
The wards are dispelled and the second key fragment has been revealed.
Objective: Take the Second Indrik Key Fragment
With the first and second key fragments collected, I continue my journey for more Indrik wards. I should use the fable as a reference to see where to search next.
Objective: Find the Third Set of Indrik Wards
Objective Hint: Reference the Fable in Your Pack
Objective: Dispel the Third Set of Indrik Wards: 0/3
The wards are dispelled and the third key fragment has been revealed.
Objective: Take the Third Indrik Key Fragment
I collected the fragments and formed the key to the Indrik's door. To enter the Wing of the Indrik, I should make for the final location indicated in Ulfsild's annotations.
Objective: Reveal the Indrik's Door
Objective Hint: Reference the Fable in Your Pack
The door to the Wing of the Indrik has been revealed. Now to head inside and meet my first Luminary face to face.
Objective: Travel to the Wing of the Indrik
Objective: Talk to the Indrik
The Indrik has asked that I place the Fable on a dais near a door. This will connect the path from his wing back to the Scholarium once more.
Objective: Place Ulfsild's Fable on the Dais
The Wing of the Indrik is connected back to the Scholarium. I should speak to the Indrik again to learn what comes next.
Objective: Talk to the Indrik
The Indrik wants me to complete a few challenges to prove my commitment. I should review the challenges he's set out.
Objective: Read the Challenges of the Indrik
To prove my worth, the Indrik has presented me a number of challenges. I need to complete two from the list. I can decide which tasks I wish to take on and prove myself worthy of the Luminary's power.
Objective: Complete Challenges: 0/2
Objective Hint: Destroy A Dark Anchor in Auridon
Objective Hint: Participate In A Battleground Match
Objective Hint: Slay Undead in Auridon: 0/15
Objective Hint: Defeat A Delve Boss in Auridon
I've completed the challenges set out by the Indrik. Time to return to the Luminary and see what comes next.
Objective: Travel to the Wing of the Indrik
Objective Hint: Use a Wayshrine for Quick Access to The Scholarium
Objective: Talk to the Indrik
The Indrik has asked me to track down a fawn chased by a hunter, trapped in a wisp of its power. The Luminary told me that the southern Auridon cave called Del's Claim would be the place to pick up the trail.
Objective: Track the Blessed Indrik Fawn
I've found the indrik fawn. The Indrik has asked me to dispel its power from the beast, releasing it from this burden placed upon it.
Objective: Free the Blessed Indrik Fawn
The indrik fawn has been freed of the Luminary's power. It's time to return to the wing of the Indrik.
Objective: Return to the Wing of the Indrik
Objective: Talk to the Indrik
As a show of favor, the Indrik has given me its sigil, a representation of its re-commitment to the Scholarium. I need to gather the sigil if I'm to learn more about Scribing.
Objective: Take the Sigil of the Indrik
With the Indrik's sigil in hand I should return to the Scribing Altar. Infusing the altar with the power of the Indrik will enhance my connection with scripts and grimoires around the world.
Objective: Amplify the Altar
Nahlia and a group from the Mages Guild has returned to the Scholarium. I should find her and see how her meeting with the Guild went.
Objective: Find Votary Nahlia
Objective: Talk to Chronicler Firandil
I should speak to Nahlia and catch her up on my adventures.
Objective: Talk to Votary Nahlia
Finishes quest  My first adventure with a Luminary has reached an end. I should talk to Nahlia and prepare for my next journey.
Objective: Talk to Votary Nahlia
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.