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Online:To My Love

< Elder Scrolls Online: Items: Books
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png
Book Information
To My Love
ID 6692
Collection Books of Blackwood
Found in the following locations:
  • Next to a skeleton in a clearing northwest of Welke, surrounded by squirrels (map)
To My Love
An unsent letter

I thought long about what you said when we last parted. And I have made my decision. My love, I choose you! No longer will I content myself with merely existing by her side, overshadowed by her innumerable scurrying pets, when I know the path to true happiness lies with you.

As much as it pained me, I had to wait for the perfect moment to make my escape. That is why I am only writing you now. When your receive this letter, I will be eagerly waiting for you at our apartment in Lilmoth. From there we will plan our future. I am growing more hopeful everyday.

I suspect that the change in my demeanor has lead her to become suspicious. Even as I write this, I can hear the clicking of tiny claws at the windows and feel the beady eyes of bushy-tailed rodents glaring out from the shadows. Oh, to be in your arms and free of these furry tormentors at last!