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Home City Sentinel
Location Frozen Palms Tavern
Race Khajiit Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Baandari

Unishi is a Khajiit mage who can be found in the Frozen Palms Tavern in Sentinel.

Related QuestsEdit

  • Monkey Magic: Help a monkey to reverse the effects of a potion.


Prior to starting the quest, she'll say:

"What is your dream? You want to be stronger? Smarter? Faster?
For the right price, Unishi will make your dreams come true!"

Quest-Related EventsEdit

Once you've spoken to the Suspicious Monkey, you can ask:

Is that what you told the Orc you turned into a monkey?
"Not again! Tell me he doesn't want a refund!
Why do so many ask and then when Unishi gives, they change their minds?"
He asked to be turned into a monkey?
"In a manner of speaking, yes. He complained about feeling like an outcast here in Sentinel ….
He wanted to be faster and nimbler and to feel like he fit in! What does that sound like? It sounds like a monkey to Unishi."
Will you change him back?
"This is not fair. Ingredients cost money. Unishi cannot afford to give away free potions!
How about this? You want to help the monkey? You help Unishi, and she will do what you ask."
How can I help you then?
"Unishi has just finished preparing two potions for other buyers in town. Deliver them and we have a deal.
One goes to a woman named Dariah, and the other to a man named Irwad. This one will mark their houses on your map—make it easy for you."
I'll deliver the potions and be right back.

Speaking to her again:

"Make those deliveries and Unishi will undo what has been done."

Return after completing your tasks and she'll say:

"Unishi is pleased to see you again. You have made the deliveries to this one's clients, yes?"
Yes. Your potions certainly seem to work.
"Unishi gives people what they want and nothing more.
You have done the same for me, so here. Take this to that silly monkey. It will return him to the miserable existence he had before."

Speaking to her again:

"Unishi feels sorry for the monkey, but she does what she is asked."

If you approach her upon completion of the related quest, she says:

"Unishi's business in Sentinel is done. Time for this one to move on, she thinks."