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< Elder Scrolls Online: People
HomeĀ Settlement Dhalmora
House Veth-Veidal's House
Race Argonian Gender Female
Health 59,939
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Medium Profession Scholar

Veth-Veidal is an Argonian scholar found inside her house in the town of Dhalmora. Since the only way to reach her is by breaking and entering, she won't speak to you.

According to Ladrasa Bethalas, Veth-Veidal is called "Mother" by the Argonians of Dhalmora and serves as the village's shaman.


Veth-Veidal used to be able to speak to you. Now, you can only enter her house by trespassing. Her lines still appear in the .lang file, though.

"So? Speak."
Are you a mage? A priest?
"Both. And neither. Nords might call me a shaman. Ladrasa, the Tribunal missionary, calls me a heretic.
I am one with the Hist. Their sap is in my blood."
Why does the Tribunal missionary call you a heretic?
"Because I do not worship her false gods. As this village respects my wisdom, her words hiss away like drops of water on sun-baked stone.
Ladrasa has no respect for wisdom. She heeds only her vain and preening false-gods."
I don't understand.
"No, you couldn't understand. Only those who have communed with the Hist understand.
So I will tell you this: In your travels, seek out Shadowfen. Our people there can help you understand."
What are the Hist?
If you're an Argonian:
If you're not an Argonian:
"Truly, you do not know? You have been among the Dark Elves and Nords too long.
The Hist are the sacred trees of Black Marsh. We come from them. We return to them. We are of them, but ever apart. They sing in our blood."
"They are trees. They grow only in the depths of Black Marsh, our ancestral lands.
We hold them sacred. Those who would harm them meet our wrath. You do not need to know more."