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Home City Alinor
Store The Golden Gryphon
Race High Elf Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Store Type Innkeeper
Other Information
Faction(s) Eyes of the Queen (undercover)

Vintenwen is a haughty High Elf innkeeper who runs the Golden Gryphon in Alinor.


Regardless of your race, she'll have a chance to say:

"No brawling. No belching. No barfing. And by the Firmament, let the bards do the singing, if you please!"

If you are not a High Elf, she may say one of the following:

"Check whatever bizarre customs you follow at the door. This is a High Elf establishment and you'll conduct yourself appropriately if you expect our hospitality.
Now that that's done, what is it you want?"
"Listen, nebarra, and listen well. I run an upscale establishment. Even the Proxy Queen graces these halls on occasion. I won't turn you away, but you need to be on your best behavior.
If you can handle that, then you are welcome here."

If you are a High Elf, she may say one of the following:

"Ah, fivefold venerations to you and yours, friend! Let this humble establishment cater to your every need. Whether you require a moment's respite or provisions for the long road, I'm sure I can oblige."
"Welcome, traveler! It's so good to see a member of the proper progeny grace these halls. We've had so many … others … since the queen's decree."
