The following are a large number of hardcoded default settings which don't actually exist within Skyrim.esm. Their values can still be overwritten by creating a new entry in a plugin using the same editor ID.
sClearSelections Clear Selections sEnchantDeconstructMenuDescription Choose an item to destroy and learn its effects sEnchantmentKnown The enchantment on this item is already known sResolution Resolution sActiveMineDescription Live sSelfRange Self sHandToHandIcon Icons\Weapons\ sDeleteSuccessful Save game deleted. sOverEncumbered You are carrying too much to be able to run. sRSMWeight Weight sVoiceVolume Voice sBounty Bounty sTopicSubtypeTextMiscellaneousHello Hello sMenuDisplayQuicksaveName Quicksave sMonthDecember Evening Star sTopicSubtypeTextSceneDialogueCustom Custom sLightFade Light Fade sLackRequiredSkillToImprove You lack the required skill to improve this item sAnimationCanNotEquipArmor You cannot change armor while attacking. sSoulLevelNameGrand Grand sQuicksaveAbbrev QUICK sHUDStarted Started sAdd Add sIngredientFail Ingredient had no effect. sRestartBecauseContentRemoved The game must restart now because downloaded content has been removed. sRSMEyeTypes Eye Shape sRemoveMarker Remove It sMagicEffectItemSecondsPlural secs sMagicEffectItemPercent % sMagicEffectItemFor for sSingleDragonSoulCount %i Dragon Soul sAddItemtoInventory Added sRequirementsText Requires: sRSMPaint War Paint sYesToAllText Yes to all sLoadFromMainMenu Are you sure you want to load this game? sSneakHidden [HIDDEN] sFullHealth You are already at full health. sDefaultCubeMap Cubemaps\ sArmor ARMOR sConfirmWarning WARNING: Any unsaved progress will be lost. sNoSleepDefault You cannot sleep at this time. sMiscPlayerDeadLoadOption Reload sPronounObjFemale her sMagicCastShoutWhileCasting You cannot shout while casting a spell sLockBroken The lock has been broken. sLevelAbbrev Level sRead Read sTopicSubtypeTextCombatMurder Murder sAddedEffects Added Effects sHarvest Harvest sHealth Health sRSMCheekboneWidth Cheekbone Width sContractedDisease You have contracted sReturn Return sCanNotTrainHigher This NPC cannot help you train any higher. sSaveGameCorruptMenuMessage The save game is corrupt and cannot be loaded. sRSMBrowForward Brow Forward sConfirmAttribute Increase %s? sMusicVolume Music sNoRepairHostileActorsNear You cannot repair items when enemies are nearby. sRemoveItemfromInventory Removed sLockLevelNameEasy Easy sOldDownloadsAvailable View Available Content sRSMEyeSocketUpperColor Eye Shadow sDisenchant Disenchant sSteel STEEL sPCRelationshipPositiveChangeText is now your sFileNotFound File does not exist sAddCrimeGold crimegold added to sTimeSpanMidnight midnight sDaySunday Sundas sRemoveCrimeGold crimegold removed from sFastTravelNoTravelHealthDamage You can't fast travel while taking health damage sEffectsListDisplaySec sec sMagicEffectItemSecondsSingular sec sTimeSpanNight night sOKText OK sTopicSubtypeTextServiceBarterExit BarterExit sLearningEnchantments Learning Enchantments sEnterName Enter character name. sMagicConstantEffect Constant Effect sFirstPersonSkeleton Actors\Character\_1stPerson\Skeleton.NIF sCrimeTypeSteal Steal sGFWLive LIVE sMoveMarker Move It sMonthMay Second Seed sTopicSubtypeTextMiscellaneousJump Jump sOptional Optional sLackRequiredPerkToImproveMagical You lack the perk to improve magical items sNoFastTravelCell You cannot fast travel from this location. sTweenDisabledMessage Character screen not available to werewolves. sRSMScars Scars sMagicDeliveryStrike Strike sTopicSubtypeTextMiscellaneousEnterSprintBreath EnterSprintBreath sCantQuickLoad You can't Quickload while the game is paused. sQuestUpdatedText Quest updated sLockLevelNameImpossible Requires Key sRestartToUseProfileContent In order to use the downloaded content associated with this profile, you will need to restart. sRSMRace Race sMagicConcentration Concentration sNoFastTravelCombat You cannot fast travel during combat! sMagicFireAndForget Fire and Forget sMagicTypeEnchantment Enchantment sSaveOnWait Save On Wait sChemsWithdrawal You are suffering from %s withdrawal. sBroken [Locked - Broken] sMagicEffectItemLock Lock sCreated Created sSneakDanger [DANGER] sPronounRefFemale herself sFirstOrdSuffix st sMiscPlayerDeadMessage Reloading the most recent save game sHUDFailed Failed sTo To sCrimeTypeWerewolf Werewolf Transformation sTopicSubtypeTextCombatAssaultNC AssaultNC sResetToDefaults Reset your control mappings to their default settings? sMagicEffectItemUpToLevel up to level sTopicSubtypeTextMiscellaneousOutofBreath OutofBreath sRenameItem Rename Item sTopicSubtypeTextMiscellaneousKnockOverObject KnockOverObject sPCRelationshipNegativeChangeText is no longer your sNoTalkFleeing is fleeing for their life. sTopicSubtypeTextCombatPowerAttack PowerAttack sRadioStationDiscovered %s signal found. sCantQuickSave You can't Quicksave while the game is paused. sLearn Learn sEbony EBONY sSkillIncreased %s Increased to %i sEffectsListDisplayMin min sPlayerDisarmedMessage You have been disarmed! sMagicEnchantmentTypeWeapon Weapon sCriticalStrike Critical Strike on sMagicEffectItemRestore Restore sPreviousSelection Previous Selection sNotAllowedToUseAutoDoorsWhileonHorse Dismount Horse before going through door. sAlchemyMenuDescription Combine ingredients to make potions sRSMCheekboneHeight Cheekbone Height sContainerItemsTitle Inventory sMissingName <Missing Name> sUnequipItemOnPlayer was unequipped sTimeSpanSunrise sunrise sVatsAimed Aimed sEmpty Empty sPCControlsTextPrefix push sRumble Vibration sTopicSubtypeTextDetectionLostToNormal LostToNormal sPronounPosFemale hers sPressControl Press the new control for this action sCurrentLocation Current Location sRide Ride sTimeHours Hours sRSMEyelinerColor Eyeliner Color sScrollEquipped equipped. sTopicSubtypeTextMiscellaneousPlayerinIronSights PlayerinIronSights sTopicSubtypeTextFavorsExitFavorState ExitFavorState sDaedric DAEDRIC sContainerPlaceChance TO PLACE sMagicTypePoison Poison sActivationChoiceMessage What would you like to do? sMiscUnknownEffect (Unknown Effect) sSaveFailed Save failed. sNotEnoughRoomWarning You do not have enough room to drop this object. sRepairAllItems Repair All (%d) sRSMEyeHeight Eye Height sTopicSubtypeTextCombatPickpocketCombat PickpocketCombat sMagicCastOKText sRetryText Retry sTopicSubtypeTextCombatSteal Steal sObjectLODFade Object LOD Fade sStatsPerkConfirm Are you sure you want this perk? sSexFemalePronoun she sSaveGameCorrupt SAVE CORRUPT sTopicSubtypeTextCombatAssault Assault sEnterItemName Enter Item Name sParticleArrayAttachExcludeList Node1,Node2,Node3 sTopicSubtypeTextMiscellaneousDestroyObject DestroyObject sMustRestart You must exit and restart Skyrim for changes in this setting to take effect. sSexFemale female sHolidayEmperorsBirthday Emperor's Birthday sActionPointsHeal Heal sNoMoreFollowers You have too many followers. sMiscConstantEffect Constant Effect sPoisonUnableToPoison Current weapon cannot be poisoned. sDeleteSaveGame Are you sure you want to delete this save game? sDropQuestItemWarning You cannot remove Quest Items from your Inventory. sRSMConfirm Are you sure you want to be this character? sTopicSubtypeTextMiscellaneousIdle Idle sMagicTypeStaffEnchantment Staff Enchantment sNoEatQuestItem You can not eat quest items. sRepairSkillTooLow %d%s REPAIR SKILL NEEDED sAttack Attack sQuantity Quantity sBloodParticleDefault Effects\BloodSpray.nif sMagicEffectItemCreateLock Create sHolidayOldLifeFestival Old Life Festival sLockLevelNameVeryEasy Very Easy sTopicSubtypeTextCombatAvoidThreat AvoidThreat sLoading Loading... sMagicTypeScroll Scroll sServeTimeQuestion Do you just want to serve your time? sMissingImage Data\Textures\Interface\Shared\ sOff OFF sArmorWeightNone None sApprenticeDisplayName Apprentice sTargetRange Target sRSMAge Age sNoviceDisplayName Novice sTopicSubtypeTextPlayerDialogueForceGreet ForceGreet sImperial IMPERIAL sNoSleepTrespass You cannot sleep while trespassing. sPronounPosObjMale his sDefaultOrdSuffix th sTopicSubtypeTextServiceRecharge Recharge sCurrentObjective CURRENT OBJECTIVE sYour Your sDeviceRemoved The save device you selected is no longer available. You will need to select a new device the next time you save. Until then, Autosave is disabled. sNoText No sDiscoveredEffects Discovered effects sConfirmSpendSoul Spend Soul? sWeapons WEAPONS sNoRestart No, keep playing. sOutOfLockpicks You are out of lockpicks. sHolidayMidYearCelebration Mid Year Celebration sAlreadyPlacedMine An active mine has already been placed on this enemy. sHealthDataPrefixArmo1 Fine sRSMMouthForward Mouth Forward sActivateNPCCalmed is calmed and cannot respond. sMagicEffectItemOn on sTimeSpanAfternoon afternoon sHealthDataPrefixArmo2 Very Fine sPCControlsTriggerPrefix pull sMenuDisplayAutosaveName Autosave sHigh High sHealthDataPrefixArmo3 Extra Fine sTopicSubtypeTextCombatAllyKilled AllyKilled sNoSleepInCell You cannot sleep in this location. sHealthDataPrefixArmo4 Super Fine sDifficulty Difficulty sHealthDataPrefixArmo5 Super Duper Fine sConstructibleMenuConfirm Do you want to create this item? sDownloadsAvailable New Content Available sHealthDataPrefixArmo6 Ultra Fine sDropEquippedItemWarning You cannot drop an equipped item until you complete your current action. sRSMPaintColor War Paint Color sEssentialCharacterDown is unconscious. sAmber AMBER sSortMethod Sort sHolidaySecondPlanting Second Planting sVatsBodyPart Body Part sDefaultPlayerName Player Name sTake Take sImpactParticleWoodDefault Effects\ImpactBallisticWood01.nif sNoKeyDropWarning You cannot drop keys. sNumberAbbrev No. sTopicSubtypeTextFavorDialogueFavor Favor sGenderMale male sTopicSubtypeTextMiscellaneousPlayerCastSelfSpell PlayerCastSelfSpell sRSMComplexion Complexion sJewelry JEWELRY sRSMJawHeight Jaw Height sPotions POTIONS sSuccessfulSneakAttackMain Sneak attack for sPleaseStandBy PLEASE STAND BY sTraitsTitle OPTIONAL TRAITS: %d/%d Selected sRSMTone Skin Tone sAttributesTitle ATTRIBUTES: %d/%d Points Assigned sDayThursday Turdas sTeammateOverencumbered can't carry any more. sCreatedPotionNamePrefix Potion of sItemTooHeavy The item is too heavy to carry. sEffectsListDisplayHour hour sLevelUpAvailable Open the stats menu to level up. sBloodParticleMeleeDefault Effects\ImpactMeleeBloodSpray01.nif sHolidayJestersDay Jester's Day sTopicSubtypeTextMiscellaneousNoticeCorpse NoticeCorpse sSmithingConfirm Do you want to improve this item? sMagicTypeVoicePower Voice Power sNoPickPocketAgain has already caught you. sWeaponBreak Your weapon has broken. sMagicEffectItemAbsorb Absorb sMonthFebruary Sun's Dawn sMenuDisplayUnknownLocationString Unknown Location sMenuDisplayNoSaves No saved games. sPlaceMarker Place Marker sDismemberParticleDefault Gore\BloodSprayLimb01.nif sCrimeTypePickpocket Pickpocket sRSMJawWidth Jaw Width sChooseSoulGem Choose Soul Gem to Use sMagicSchoolIllusion Illusion sTopicSubtypeTextServiceTraining Training sXSensitivity X-Sensitivity sHUDOpacity HUD Opacity sNoWaitInAir You cannot wait in the air. sMisc MISC sNoArrows No arrows equipped. sDayFriday Fredas sImprovement Improvement sControllerOption Turn off 360 Controller in the Controls section of the Settings menu to switch back to Keyboard/Mouse. sGrassFade Grass Fade sExit Exit sTimeSpanMorning morning sGold gold sCancel Cancel sMagicSchoolRestoration Restoration sTopicSubtypeTextCombatVoicePowerStartLong VoicePowerStartLong sAnimationCanNotEquipWeapon You cannot change weapons while attacking. sRSMEyeDepth Eye Depth sQuitAlchemy Quit alchemy? sVATSMessageZeroChance You have zero chance to hit. sRSMDirtColor Dirt Color sYes Yes sFindingContentMessage Looking for content. Please wait. sLockLevelNameAverage Average sTopicSubtypeTextFavorDialogueShowRelationships ShowRelationships sSoulGemTooSmall There is no Soul Gem large enough to capture the soul. sEffectAlreadyAdded Effect has already been added. Edit the effect instead. sSkillIncreasedNum %s increased by %d sTouchRange Strike sPoisonBowConfirmMessage Do you want to poison your next shot with the sSoulLevelNameCommon Common sHolidayWitchesFestival Witches' Festival sNoWaitTakingHealthDamage You cannot wait while taking health damage. sDragonSoulAcquired Dragon Soul Acquired sAllItems ALL sTopicSubtypeTextFavorsRefuse Refuse sArmorEnchantments ARMOR ENCHANTMENTS sRestoration RESTORATION sMagicTypeDisease Disease sMedium Medium sMonthAugust Last Seed sTopicSubtypeTextMiscellaneousPursueIdleTopic PursueIdleTopic sItemTooExpensive You don't have enough gold. sPauseText Pause sSaveGameNoMasterFilesFound None of the master files used in this save game are loaded. Returning to game. sTalk Talk sSeasonWinter Winter sTopicSubtypeTextCombatAcceptYield AcceptYield sPotionCreationFailed Potion creation failed sDownloadsNotAvail No New Content Available sRSMCheekColorLower Cheek Color Lower sSit Sit sTopicSubtypeTextDetectionAlertToCombat AlertToCombat sCantEquipBrokenItem Broken items cannot be equipped until they have been repaired. sSpecularityFade Specularity Fade sRanksText Ranks sImpactParticleConcreteDefault Effects\ImpactBallisticConcrete01.nif sRandomDoorTeleportFailureMessage This door leads nowhere. sNoFastTravelOverencumbered You cannot fast travel while overencumbered. sTimeSpanEvening evening sRSMMouthHeight Mouth Height sTimeSpanSunset sunset sWhite WHITE sRSMBody Body sTopicSubtypeTextMiscellaneousLeaveWaterBreath LeaveWaterBreath sCrimeTypeAttack Attack sNoSpareParts NO USABLE SPARE PARTS sSoulLevel Filled with %s Soul sObjectFade Object Fade sChangeItemSelection Change Item Selection sResource Resource sHairColor10 sHairColor10 sHolidayNewLifeFestival New Life Festival sTopicSubtypeTextCombatTaunt Taunt sPCControlsTextNone <NOT BOUND> sSaveGameNoLongerAvailable The save game is no longer available. Returning to game. sHairColor11 sHairColor11 sRSMEyeSocketLowerColor Eye Tint sTopicSubtypeTextDetectionCombatToNormal CombatToNormal sTopicSubtypeTextPlayerDialogueCustom Custom sHairColor12 sHairColor12 sScrolls SCROLLS sQuestAddedText Quest added sMagicSchoolDestruction Destruction sHairColor13 sHairColor13 sPronounPosMale his sMonthOctober Frost Fall sHairColor14 sHairColor14 sBleedingOutMessage You are bleeding out! sMonthSeptember Heart Fire sHairColor15 sHairColor15 sConfirmDelete Delete this game? sSelectItemToRepair CHOOSE ITEM TO REPAIR WITH sHolidayHarvestsEnd Harvest's End sMiscPlayerDeadMenuOption Main Menu sMiscQuestDescription Miscellaneous quests! sContinueText Continue Running Executable? sTopicSubtypeTextFavorDialogueAskGift AskGift sTopicSubtypeTextCombatGroupStrategy GroupStrategy sLocked Locked sShadowFade Shadow Fade sMasterVolume Master sActionPointsPunch Punch sTopicSubtypeTextMiscellaneousCombatGrunt CombatGrunt sVATSMessageLowAP Low sSearch Search sDestruction DESTRUCTION sDragon DRAGON sMenuDisplayLevelString Level sMonthJanuary Morning Star sSpellAdded New Spell Learned sRSMBrow Brow sMagicProjectileTypeBall Ball sActionMapping Action Mapping sCantChangeResolution You must close your current game to change resolutions. sAlteration ALTERATION sYSensitivity Y-Sensitivity sNoSaves [NO SAVES FOUND] sOpen Open sMagicEnhanceWeaponNoWeapon You must have a weapon drawn. sRSMBrowWidth Brow Width sMenuDisplayNewSave New Save sMoveMarkerQuestion Do you want to move your marker or remove it? sWitnessKilled Last witness killed. sSceneBlockingActorActivation This person is in a conversation. sNoWaitWarnToLeave You cannot wait while being asked to leave. sTopicSubtypeTextMiscellaneousSwingMeleeWeapon SwingMeleeWeapon sTopicSubtypeTextCombatStealFromNC StealFromNC sMagicEnhanceWeaponWeaponEnchanted Your current weapon is already enchanted. sNormalWeaponsResisted Your attack has no effect. sMagicEffectItemFeet ft sActionPointsSwitchWeapon Switch Weapon sTopicSubtypeTextCombatVoicePowerStartShort VoicePowerStartShort sEnchantmentsLearned You learned the %s enchantment from destroying this item. sDefaultMessage DEFAULT MESSAGE TEXT sCantRemoveWornItem Unable to remove the worn item. sTopicSubtypeTextCombatPickpocketNC PickpocketNC sEnchantment Enchantment sRSMEyes Eyes sEffectsListDisplaySecs secs sSaveGameContentIsMissing This save relies on content that is no longer present. Some objects may no longer be available. Continue Loading? sRSMDirt Dirt sDismemberRobotParticleDefault Gore\RobotLimbSpray01.nif sRSMHair Hair sEnchantMustChooseItems Choose an item, enchantment, and soul gem sWood WOOD sFastTravelConfirm Fast travel to %s? sMagicProjectileTypeBolt Bolt sMagicTypeSpell Spell sPrevious Previous sSmall Small sRSMName Name sTopicSubtypeTextCombatDeath Death sApparel APPAREL sMagicProjectileTypeFog Fog sHolidaySunsRest Sun's Rest sSaveOverSaveGame Are you sure you want to overwrite this save game? sCantUnequipGeneric You cannot unequip this item. sMiscQuestName Miscellaneous sQuestFailed Quest FAILED sMagicTypeAbility Ability sExpert Expert sCrosshair Crosshair sPronounPosObjFemale her sPronounIntFemale herself sItemFade Item Fade sRSMBrowTypes Brow Type sBack Back sNoWaitDefault You cannot wait at this time. sRepairCost Cost: %d caps sTopicSubtypeTextDetectionLostIdle LostIdle sAttributeDrained is being drained sNoFastTravelDefault You cannot fast travel at this time. sAreaText Area sIngredient Ingredient sCreate Create sNoSleepInOwnedBed You cannot sleep in an owned bed. sTopicSubtypeTextFavorDialogueAskFavor AskFavor sPoisonConfirmMessage Do you want to poison the sMagicSchoolConjuration Conjuration sCrimeTypeEscape Escape Jail sArmorSmithing Armor Smithing sRSMSkinColor Skin Tone sNoFastTravelInAir You can't fast travel while jumping or falling. sRestartToUseNewContent New content has been added. You will need to restart to use this content. All unsaved progress will be lost. sMagicCastInsufficientItemCharge Your item has insufficient charge sEnchanting Enchanting sTreeLODFade Tree LOD Fade sDialogSubtitles Dialog Subtitles sMagicGuideNoPath There's no way to get to the nearest active quest location or map marker. sNoRepairInCombat You cannot repair items while in combat. sTopicSubtypeTextCombatBash Bash sDiscoveredText discovered sDevice Device sRepairServicesTitle Repair Services sEffectsListDisplayMins mins sPickpocketFail You've been caught pickpocketing. sGenderFemale female sQuickLoading Quickloading... sTimeAM AM sAllegiance Allegiance sSecondOrdSuffix nd sActionPointsAttack Attack sConjuration CONJURATION sNext Next sDayWednesday Middas sQuestCompletedText Quest completed sPronounObjMale him sRestartSignedOut You have signed out of your profile and will now be returned to the main menu. sLoadWhilePlaying Are you sure you want to load this game? All unsaved progress will be lost. sRSMMouth Mouth sChoose Choose sTopicSubtypeTextCombatTrespassAgainstNC TrespassAgainstNC sTopicSubtypeTextFavorDialogueGift Gift sRSMBrowHeight Brow Height sTopicSubtypeTextMiscellaneousObserveCombat ObserveCombat sCorruptContentMessage Some of your downloaded content is corrupt and could not be loaded. sGlass GLASS sEffectsVolume Effects sLeaveMarker Leave It sWeaponSmithing Weapon Smithing sTopicSubtypeTextCombatTrespass Trespass sCraft Craft sAutoSaving Autosaving... sConfirmDisenchant Are you sure you want to destroy this item and learn its enchantment? sRSMFacialHairPresets Facial Hair sTopicSubtypeTextFavorDialogueReject Reject sCantHotkeyItem You cannot favorite that item. sSoulGem Soul Gem sRepair REPAIR sAddItemtoSpellList added sFor for sSeasonSpring Spring sTopicSubtypeTextServiceTravel Travel sEnchantArmorIncompatible Chosen enchantment cannot be applied to this item sNoChildUse Children cannot use that. sSuccessfulSneakAttackEnd X damage! sSkillsCount Tag %d Skill sGotAwayWithStealing got away with stealing sMaster Master sNoProfileSelected You have not signed in to a Gamer Profile. You will need to sign in to a Gamer Profile and then select a storage device before you can save. Until then, Autosave is disabled. sCanNotEquipWornEnchantment You cannot equip this item right now. sThirdOrdSuffix rd sTopicSubtypeTextDetectionDetectFriendDie DetectFriendDie sPlayerLeavingBorderRegion You cannot go that way. sCombatCannotActivate You cannot use this while in combat. sRSMForeheadColor Forehead Color sAddedNote Note Added: %s sSpace sChemsAddicted You have become addicted to %s. sNoWaitInCell You cannot wait in this location. sFailedActivation This object cannot be activated right now. sLockpickInsufficientPerks You lack the required perk to pick this lock. sMultipleDragonSoulCount %i Dragon Souls sMagicCastMultiCast You cannot cast this spell while casting another sMagicEffectItemPointsSingular pt sNewSave [NEW SAVE] sMouseSensitivity Mouse Sensitivity sMagicCastPowerUsed You can only cast Powers once per day sAbortText Abort sElven ELVEN sItem Item sInvalidPickpocket You cannot place items in a container while pickpocketing. sCanNotReadBook You cannot read a book while in combat. sGeneralSubtitles General Subtitles sUse Use sPowers POWERS sTopicSubtypeTextFavorsAgree Agree sHUDColor HUD Color sTopicSubtypeTextFavorsShow Show sSpeechChallengeSuccess [SUCCESS] sNoFastTravelUndiscovered You have not discovered this location yet. sVATSMessageNoAmmo You don't have enough ammo. sRSMJawForward Jaw Forward sVideoChange You must exit and restart Skyrim for the new resolution to take effect. sMagicDeliveryAimed Aimed sMagicTypeLesserPower Lesser Power sRepairSkill Repair Skill sHUDArmorRating ARMOR RATING sTopicSubtypeTextCombatHit Hit sRSMNameWarning Rename character. sSaveGameOutOfDiskSpace The selected storage device does not have sufficient space available. Please select another storage device or delete some of your existing saved content. sRSMNeckColor Neck Color sTopicSubtypeTextMiscellaneousExitBowZoomBreath ExitBowZoomBreath sTopicSubtypeTextCombatAttack Attack sNoWaitHostileActorsNear You cannot wait when enemies are nearby. sRepairItem Repair sTopicSubtypeTextCombatBlock Block sNoSleepInAir You cannot sleep in the air. sActionPointsStand Stand sActionPointsToggleWeaponDrawn Toggle Weapon Drawn sMagicEffectResisted %s is too powerful for %s. sRSMHead Head sTopicSubtypeTextMiscellaneousEnterBowZoomBreath EnterBowZoomBreath sDone Done sRSMHairPresets Hair sTopicSubtypeTextMiscellaneousGoodbye Goodbye sContainerStealChance TO STEAL sMagicEffectItemPointsPlural pts sMonthApril Rains Hand sTopicSubtypeTextMiscellaneousTimeToGo TimeToGo sExitGameAffirm Exit Game sObjectInUse This object is already in use by someone else. sNo No sSneakAttack Sneak Attack on sFailShouting You cannot change shouts while shouting. sDayTuesday Tirdas sMakeDefaults Make these your default settings? sMagicDeliveryTouch Contact sKnownEffects Known Effects sTopicSubtypeTextMiscellaneousShootBow ShootBow sNoSleepTakingHealthDamage You cannot sleep while taking health damage. sJunk Junk sSeasonSummer Summer sDayMonday Morndas sJourneymanDisplayName Journeyman sRangeText Range sOpenWithKey Unlocked with %s. sTopicSubtypeTextMiscellaneousStandonFurniture StandonFurniture sRSMChinLength Chin Length sSpeechChallengeFailure [FAILED] sHUDCompleted Completed sMagicTypeWortcraft Wortcraft sRSMChinColor Chin Color sArmorWeightHeavy Heavy sNoChargeItems No items to charge enchantment sFavorites FAVORITES sVDSGPlate VDSG Plate sRemoteActivation This object is activated from somewhere else. sButtonLocked That button cannot be remapped sRadioVolume Radio sCharGenControlsDisabled Your hands are bound. sTopicSubtypeTextMiscellaneousPlayerCastProjectileSpell PlayerCastProjectileSpell sRefAttachNodeName REF_ATTACH_NODE sHolidayFirstPlanting First Planting sTopicSubtypeTextCombatVoicePowerEndLong VoicePowerEndLong sCanNotTrainAnymore You have reached your training limit for your current level. sDwarven DWARVEN sViewDistance View Distance sShoutAdded Word of Power Learned sRSMMouthTypes Mouth Shape sHolidayNorthWindsPrayer North Wind's Prayer sHealthDataPrefixWeap1 Fine sHealthDataPrefixWeap2 Very Fine sHairColor0 sHairColor0 sRSMFacialHairColorPresets Facial Hair Color sSexMale male sHealthDataPrefixWeap3 Extra Fine sOpenedContainer Opened the container with a key. sCantEquipPowerArmor Power armor training is required to equip this item. sHairColor1 sHairColor1 sRSMFace Face sHolidaySouthWindsPrayer South Wind's Prayer sHealthDataPrefixWeap4 Super Fine sTopicSubtypeTextCombatFlee Flee sNoWaitTrespass You cannot wait while trespassing. sHairColor2 sHairColor2 sSneakDetected [DETECTED] sAccept Accept sHealthDataPrefixWeap5 Super Duper Fine sTopicSubtypeTextServiceRepairExit RepairExit sNoFastTravelHostileActorsNear You cannot fast travel when enemies are nearby. sSaveNotAvailable No valid save game found. sOf of sHairColor3 sHairColor3 sHealthDataPrefixWeap6 Ultra Fine sWeaponEnchantments WEAPON ENCHANTMENTS sAlreadyKnown You already know sHairColor4 sHairColor4 sBooks BOOKS sLevelProgress Level Progress sAutosaveAbbrev AUTO sHairColor5 sHairColor5 sImpactParticleMetalDefault Effects\ImpactBallisticMetal01.nif sMagicEnchantmentTypeStaff Staff sAnimationCanNotUnequip You cannot change weapons while attacking. sButton Button sHairColor6 sHairColor6 sActionPointsReload Reload sHairColor7 sHairColor7 sPlaceMarkerUndiscovered You have not discovered this location yet.[CRLF]Place marker? sLackRequiredPerksToImprove You lack the required perks to improve this item sHairColor8 sHairColor8 sName Name sOk Ok sTopicSubtypeTextMiscellaneousActorCollidewithActor ActorCollidewithActor sJourneyman Journeyman sConfirmLoad Load this game? sSaveOnRest Save On Rest sHairColor9 sHairColor9 sTopicSubtypeTextDetectionNormalToAlert NormalToAlert sLeather LEATHER sCleared Cleared sNoFastTravelAlarm You cannot fast travel while guards are pursuing you. sOwned Owned sStatsMustSelectPerk You must select a perk. sContinue Continue sOn ON sActivateCreatureCalmed The creature is calmed and cannot respond. sTopicSubtypeTextCombatYield Yield sFootstepsVolume Footstep sRSMConfirmDestruction Change preset and lose your changes? sMagicCastCastWhileShouting You cannot cast a spell while shouting sMagicCastInsufficientMagicka You don't have enough Magicka sTopicSubtypeTextMiscellaneousSharedInfo SharedInfo sLoadingArea Loading area... sOr OR sPoisoned You have been poisoned. sEnableHelp Enable Help sTopicSubtypeTextFavorDialogueBribe Bribe sCursorFilename Interface\Icons\Misc\ sSexFemalePossessive her sTopicSubtypeTextServiceServiceRefusal ServiceRefusal sTopicSubtypeTextMiscellaneousLockedObject LockedObject sTopicSubtypeTextCombatBleedOut BleedOut sArmorRating Armor Rating sFalmer FALMER sActorFade Actor Fade sActivate Activate sKeys KEYS sMagicEffectItemDamage Damage sLostController The Xbox 360 Controller has been disconnected. Click OK to use the Keyboard/Mouse, or reconnect the Xbox 360 Controller and press the A Button. sMagicEffectItemIn in sTimePM PM sRemove Remove sSmithingMenuDescription Choose an item to improve sSteal Steal sDisableXBoxController 360 Controller sTopicSubtypeTextMiscellaneousZKeyObject ZKeyObject sTopicSubtypeTextServiceRechargeExit RechargeExit sUnlock Unlock sTopicSubtypeTextCombatVoicePowerEndShort VoicePowerEndShort sConfirmSave Overwrite this game? sMenuDisplayDayString Day sBloodSplatterColor01OPTFilename Textures\Gore\ sLackRequiredToImprove You lack the required components to improve this item sSaveGameDeviceError There was an error accessing the device. Please try again. sHeavyArmorSink Your heavy armor is causing you to sink. sSexMalePossessive his sSeasonFall Fall sMonthMarch First Seed sTopicSubtypeTextDetectionLostToCombat LostToCombat sFurnitureSleep Sleep sTopicSubtypeTextDetectionAlertToNormal AlertToNormal sMagicEffectNotApplied %s is immune to %s. sPoisonNoWeaponMessage You must first equip a weapon to poison it. sRSMCheekColor Cheek Color sVDSGManual VDSG MANUAL sMasterDisplayName Master sMenuDisplayXBoxSaveMessage Saving content. Please don't turn off your console. sRSMNoseColor Nose Color sEffectsListDisplayHours hours sMagicCastRangedUnderwater You cannot cast ranged spells underwater sNotEnoughVendorGold Transaction value: %d gold.[CRLF]Vendor only has %d gold. sHolidayWarriorsFestival Warrior's Festival sStormcloak Stormcloak sTopicSubtypeTextCombatMurderNC MurderNC sDraugr DRAUGR sServeSentenceQuestion Do you want to serve your time in jail? sNoItemsToRepair No items to repair sLockLevelNameHard Hard sRSMChinWidth Chin Width sBloodSplatterFlare01Filename Textures\Effects\ sNormal Normal sNoSleepHostileActorsNear You cannot sleep when enemies are nearby. sTeammateCantGiveOutfit Your teammate already owns that armor. sTopicSubtypeTextMiscellaneousPlayerShout PlayerShout sTopicSubtypeTextPlayerDialogueRumors Rumors sVatsSelect Select sNoWaitWhileAlarm You cannot wait while guards are pursuing you. sDisableHelp Disable Help sHelp Help sSoulLevelNamePetty Petty sAutoSavingLong Saving content. Please don't turn off your console. sHeavyArmorNoJump Your heavy armor prevents you from jumping. sPipboyColor Pip-Boy Color sNone None sTimeMinutes Minutes sCantSaveNow You cannot save right now. sMenuDisplayPlayTime Play Time sIllusion ILLUSION sCrimeTypeTrespass Trespass sWaitHere Wait Here sNeutral Neutral sMagicTypePotion Potion sMonthJuly Sun's Height sInsufficientGoldToTrain You have insufficient gold to train. sPickpocket Pickpocket sNoTalkUnConscious is unconscious. sTopicSubtypeTextServiceRepair Repair sCrimeTypeMurder Murder sRadioSignalLost %s signal lost. sNoJumpWarning You can not drop objects while in the air. sTakeAll Take All sMagicTelekinesisNoRecast You're already holding something. sMagicEnchantmentTypeApparel Apparel sTopicSubtypeTextDetectionCombatToLost CombatToLost sNoLockPickIfCrimeAlert You can't pick a lock while being pursued by guards. sRSMHairColorPresets Hair Color sEnchantMenuDescription Choose an item to destroy and learn its Enchantment, or combine an Item, Enchantment, and Soul Gem to create magic items sRSMEyeColor Eye Color sLackRequiredToCreate You lack the required components to create this item sYesText Yes sSaveSuccessful Save successful. sTextureSize Texture Size sLow Low sOrcish ORCISH sConstructibleMenuDescription Choose an item to create sSoulCaptured You have captured a soul! sBloodSplatterAlpha01OPTFilename Textures\Gore\ sImpossibleLock This lock cannot be picked. It requires a key to open. sMainMenu Main Menu sMagicEffectItemDrain Drain sMagnitudeIsLevelText Target Level sVatsAiming Aiming sValue Value sMagicEffectItemFortify Fortify sTopicSubtypeTextDetectionAlertIdle AlertIdle sPronounRefMale himself sShouts SHOUTS sSkillsTitle SKILLS: %d/%d Selected sExplosionSplashParticles Effects\ExplosionSplash.NIF sClose Close sAlchemy Alchemy sHolidayMerchantsFestival Merchant's Festival sTopicSubtypeTextServiceTrainingExit TrainingExit sRewardXP Experience Points Earned sRSMHeadPresets Presets sChemsWornOff %s has worn off. sNoSleepWarnToLeave You cannot sleep while being asked to leave. sQuitEnchanting Quit enchanting? sActiveEffects ACTIVE EFFECTS sMagicEnchantmentTypeScroll Scroll sPlayTime Play Time sPrisoner Prisoner sIngredients INGREDIENTS sStatsNextRank Next Rank: sSexMalePronoun he sTopicSubtypeTextDetectionNormalToCombat NormalToCombat sRewardXPIcon Interface\Shared\Messages\ sNoDeviceSelected You have not selected a storage device. You will need to select one before you can save. Until then, Autosave is disabled. sSoulLevelNameLesser Lesser sActionPointsCrouch Crouch sKeyLocked That key cannot be remapped sMagicSchoolAlteration Alteration sStealHorse Do you want to steal this horse? sDiscoveredIngredientEffectEating %s discovered from %s sHUDDamage DAMAGE sArmorWeightLight Light sDamage Damage sStudded STUDDED sTopicSubtypeTextFavorDialogueCustom Custom sBountyStatString %s Bounty sTopicSubtypeTextFavorDialogueFlatter Flatter sCantEquipGeneric You cannot equip this item. sWeight Weight sLarge Large sTopicSubtypeTextFavorDialogueFollow Follow sMagicDeliveryTargetActor Target Actor sPronounMale he sPoisonAlreadyPoisonedMessage The current weapon is already poisoned. sMapMarkerAdded Map marker added. sSaveGameOldVersion SAVE OBSOLETE sMenuDisplaySave Save sTopicSubtypeTextMiscellaneousPickpocketTopic PickpocketTopic sTeammateCantTakeOutfit You can't take your teammate's starting armor. sYesRestart Yes, restart the game. sConfirmNew Start a new game? sSoulLevelNameGreater Greater sLockLevelNameVeryHard Very Hard sRSMLipColor Lip Color sPlayerSetMarkerName Custom Destination sMagicTypeAddiction Addiction sSaveGameIsCorrupt The save game is corrupt. Returning to game. sNoSleepWhileAlarm You cannot sleep while guards are pursuing you. sHold Hold sMagicTypePower Power sExpertDisplayName Expert sPronounIntMale himself sMonthJune Mid Year sNoSitOnOwnedFurniture You cannot sit on owned furniture. sRSMComplexionColor Complexion Color sSelect Select sDefaultCellName Wilderness sNoFastTravelScriptBlock Fast travel is currently unavaliable from this location. sFood FOOD sConfirmContinue Continue from your last saved game? sTraitsCount Choose up to %d Trait sPronounFemale she sMagnitudeText Magnitude sEquipItemOnPlayer was equipped sMagicGuideNoMarker You must have an active quest or have placed a marker on the map. sDungeonCleared Dungeon Cleared! sLoadingContentMessage Loading extra content. Please wait. sMenuDisplayShortXBoxSaveMessage Saving... sCameraPitch Invert Y sAttributesCount Distribute %d Point sMagicProjectileTypeSpray Spray sMagicTypeLevelled Levelled Spell sIgnoreText Ignore sEnchantItem Enchant item? sDurationText Duration sAutoLoading Autoloading... sTopicSubtypeTextFavorDialogueIntimidate Intimidate sRSMNoseTypes Nose Type sHolidayTalesAndTallows Tales and Tallows sDaySaturday Loredas sBloodTextureDefault Effects\ sLoadingLOD Loading distant LOD... sCantRepairPastMax CANNOT REPAIR PAST %.0f%s sRSMNoseHeight Nose Height sSoulGems SOUL GEMS sMagicDeliveryTargetLocation Target Location sTopicSubtypeTextFavorsMoralRefusal MoralRefusal sTopicSubtypeTextCombatWereTransformCrime WereTransformCrime sIron IRON sVatsTarget Target sRSMEyeWidth Eye Width sFailSpendSoul Use Dragon Souls to unlock shouts. sCreatedPoisonNamePrefix Poison of sMonthNovember Sun's Dusk sQuickSaving Quicksaving... sRequirements Requirements sSaveOnTravel Save On Travel sHide HIDE sBrightness Brightness sRSMSex Sex sInaccessible [INACCESSIBLE] sRSMChinForward Chin Forward sStealFrom Steal from sMagicDeliverySelf Self sEnchantInsufficientCharge Insufficient charge for enchantment sRSMLaughLines Laugh Lines sSplashParticles Effects\waterSplash.NIF sAttributeDamaged has been damaged sAutoSaveDisabledDueToLackOfSpace Save location full. Disabling Autosave. sRSMNoseLength Nose Length sSneakCaution [CAUTION]