The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journalconsole command to manually update the quest to a certain point.
Blood Ritual of Volenfaryon (TR_m4_wil_BelBetu3)
Finishes Quest
Journal Entry
Master Bel-Betu's previously damaged powers have been restored, and he now wants to resume his work in Volenfaryon. He tasked me with cleansing the stronghold of the mabrigash, and doesn't care what happens to the other Ashlanders residing there.
All of the Mabrigash occupying Volenfaryon are dead.
Finishes quest
Master Bel Betu was pleased with my service and rewarded me with an offer of eternal service in undeath. I declined. His second offer was to provide me with Enchanting training, should I request it.
Finishes quest
I killed Master Bel-Betu, pulling the heart out of his inanimate chest.