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Cellitara (TR_m3_Cellitara)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Old Ebonheart
Location Guild of Mages
Race High Elf Gender Female
Level 7 Class Sorcerer
Training Alteration (49)
Destruction (54)
Enchant (54)
Other Spellmaking Spellmaker
Spells Conjuration SpellsDestruction SpellsMysticism Spells
Other Information
Health 65 Magicka 148
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Mages Guild 2(Journeyman)
Cellitara, a spellmaker of the Mages Guild

Cellitara is a High Elf Sorcerer and a Journeyman of the Mages Guild who can be found at the front desk in the guildhall in Old Ebonheart. She sells and makes spells, and provides moderate training in Alteration, Destruction, and Enchant. She is also encountered during two quests, providing sage advice on each occasion.

She wears an extravagant robe and a pair of expensive shoes. She wields a Steel Flameblade.

Aside from her natural weaknesses to fire, frost, shock and magicka, her natural bonus to magicka, and resistance to disease, she knows a variety of spells, which you can buy from her.

Related QuestsEdit

Fighters GuildEdit



  • Greetings:
"Welcome, %PCRace. Are you here for our services, or do you seek to join the Mages Guild?"
"Good day, %PCRace. Are you here to join the Mages Guild? You'll have to talk to Arquebald Vene, upstairs."
"Good day, %PCRank. Are you here for duties? Arquebald Vene is the one to see for those, though do be careful. He's often in a bad mood."
  • join the Mages Guild:
"Simply speak to the Master Wizard of our chapter, Arquebald Vene. He's on the top floor and handles initiations."

Fighters Guild: A Final FateEdit

  • Constantius:
"Oh -- you're the one who found him, bravo. Sharnoga was here earlier asking about any mages with physical deformities. Of course there was -- Kamara was one of the greatest mages the Guild ever had. Incredibly prolific and yet the humblest mage you'd ever meet. I found a copy of an unfinished draft of her research recently, perhaps the beginning of a book that never got finished. Check the bookcases for an old rolled-up scroll. Feel free to take it; the original is probably in a museum somewhere."
(If you have Ruminations on Illusion - Draft):
"This is disheartening. Kamara was a highly respected scholar, and we have not thought of that particular passage as more than an illustrative exaggeration, added perhaps by the scribe for ornament. But what you have found matches the claim too closely to be a coincidence. Tell Sharnoga, but please don't spread the news around."

Stendarr Tower HauntingEdit

  • vengeful spirit:
"Yes, I've heard of the haunting. The specter can't be exorcised by normal means. Magic doesn't work, and neither does well-made weapons. Has anyone just tried speaking with the ghost? Perhaps if you ask it what it wants, you can discover how to banish it."
  • Ah, good idea. I'll try that.:
"So many adventurers attack first and ask questions later. If the ghost is angry, you can try to calm it with a spell. If you don't know a suitable spell, you can check with Yuiale Phyroc. She might have a scroll that would suit your purposes. But have you considered talking to Hastophos Velifer? He lives near the plaza, and has, ah, some unique experience that could be just what you need."
  • Talk to the ghost? Are you serious?:
"You won't know until you try. Cast a Calm Creature spell on the ghost and see if you can talk to it. You can check to see if Yuaile Phyroc sells any suitable scrolls for that purpose. Oh, and consider talking to Hastophos Velifer. He lives near the plaza, and knows a thing or two about what you're dealing with."
"How goes that business with Stendarr's Tower? Did you try speaking with Hastophos or the ghost itself?"
"I heard you were successful in driving out the ghost haunting Stendarr's Tower. It just took a little creativity to deal with the haunting."


Spell Name Cost Effects
Command Beast 225   Command Creature 5 pts for 60 secs on Touch
Command Creature 169   Command Creature 5 pts for 30 secs on Target
Command Humanoid 169   Command Humanoid 5 pts for 30 secs on Target
{{{name}}} {{{cost}}} {{{effect1}}}
Summon Dremora 84   Summon Dremora for 60 secs on Self
Summon Hunger 87   Summon Hunger for 60 secs on Self
Summon Storm Atronach 114   Summon Storm Atronach for 60 secs on Self
{{{name}}} {{{cost}}} {{{effect1}}}
Ash Feast 18   Drain Health 3 pts for 30 secs on Touch
Blood Curse: Fatigue 23   Damage Fatigue 10-20 pts for 5 secs on Target
Daedric Bite 30   Damage Health 50 pts on Target
Dire Shockball 24   Shock Damage 40-50 pts on Target
Distracting Touch 38   Drain Intelligence 5-20 pts for 60 secs on Touch
Frost Bolt 24   Frost Damage 10-50 pts in 10ft for 2 secs on Target
Frost Storm 23   Frost Damage 1-10 pts in 10ft for 10 secs on Target
Greater Shockball 14   Shock Damage 2-40 pts in 10ft on Target
Lightning Bolt 34   Shock Damage 10-50 pts in 10ft for 2 secs on Target
Lightning Storm 34   Shock Damage 2-10 pts in 10ft for 10 secs on Target
Poisonbloom 39   Poison 1-20 pts in 10ft for 5 secs on Target
Shockbloom 37   Shock Damage 1-25 pts in 10ft for 5 secs on Target
Vivec's Wrath 28   Damage Health 10-20 pts on Target
  Fire Damage 10-20 pts on Target
  Frost Damage 10-20 pts on Target
  Shock Damage 10-20 pts on Target
Wearying Touch 38   Drain Fatigue 5-20 pts for 30 secs on Touch
Detect Creature 19   Detect Animal 50-150 pts for 5 secs on Self
Soul Trap 6   Soultrap for 60 secs on Touch