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Tamriel Rebuilt:Noble Protection

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: Quests: Fighters Guild / Akamora
What should be a simple bodyguard job goes bloody awry.
Quest Giver: Laalalvo Irano
Location(s): Akamora
Prerequisite Quest: No Sin Goes Unpunished
Next Quest: Akavorioc
Reward: None
Disposition: +10 (Laalalvo Irano)
Reputation Gain: +10 (Fighters Guild)
ID: TR_m2_FG_Irano2
Required Rank: Protector
Telomas Manor, in Akamora


  • You must be of Protector rank or higher to begin this quest.

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Speak to Laalalvo Irano in Akamora's Fighters Guild about orders and bodyguards.
  2. Report to Pilu Telomas at Telomas Manor.
  3. Report back to Laalalvo once the manor is secure.
  4. Talk to Flaalsa Irano at the guard tower.
  5. Speak to Novas Senim and follow his suggestion - do not deviate from it.
  6. Once Fedril Verothran has revealed what he knows, ask around town about the remaining suspect to acquire evidence.
  7. Challenge and kill the suspect.
  8. Return to Laalalvo Irano to complete the quest.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Guarding Tenomas ManorEdit

A noble retainer of Novas Senim, Pilu Telomas, is concerned for the safety of herself and her husband, and has contracted the Fighters Guild to help. Speak to Laalalvo to begin the quest (you will need to be at least Protector rank, or it will not start - see also 'Bugs' at the bottom of this page if having difficulties).

Laalalvo sends you to Telomas Manor, on the northwestern side of Akamora's central spire. You might wish to stock up on healing potions at the market before proceeding. On entry, Circus Leonos will greet you, and send you upstairs, noting a 'bad feeling' of his. Speak to Pilu on the top floor. She will note that Lord Senim refused to send her any protection. She will then note a noise downstairs. Investigate.

Hired killers have broken in on the ground floor, and you will need to kill them. On doing so, defeat the killer on the first floor. Do not expect the Telomas couple or Circus to survive this - their deaths are scripted.

(If you are having a tough time with the fight, wait until Circus has wandered up to the top floor before speaking to Pilu - the assassins spawn next to the individuals they are meant to 'kill', and if Circus is on the top floor, this will allow you to face them one at a time.)

Reporting BackEdit

Report back to Laalalvo after the deaths of the three assassins. She will express understandable horror, and feeling that her sister, Flaalsa Irano (the captain of the guard in Akamora) has her hands tied in investigating, will state that said investigation falls to you. She asks you to speak to Flaalsa for off-the-record assistance. You can find her by leaving the guildhall and following the road uphill to the guard tower. Flaalsa is in her room near the very top of the tower. Ask her about the assassination of the Telomas. She says:

I have heard news of their violent deaths. My sister was right to guess that there will be no investigation on our part. The way I see it, the case is closed. You killed the assassins, didn't you?

The one who hired them is still out there.

That is something I can live with to preserve peace in Akamora. The Telomas were Senim retainers. The Senims and the Indaren family along with all their allies are locked in a behind the scenes power struggle over the lordship of this town. An investigation would inevitably pull all the animosity between the rivaling nobles out into the open. And if we were to imply even slightly that one of the families was behind the assassination--the Three forbid it--that would trigger a violent chain of events.

Laalalvo wants the Guild to find the culprit. But we need your help.

Then Laalalvo has become more Imperial than I had thought. She'd be wiser to move her precious Guild away from here. But I will help you. Be aware that this is all off the record. You're not a representative of the law. If I receive word that you've caused any unnecessary discord in town with your inquiries, I will have my guards jail you rather than risk having the noble families warring against each other. Understood?

Yes. Can you tell me if you have any suspects?

Three possible candidates come to mind. First is the Indaren family and their allies the Veri family. I'd be extremely careful with the way you conduct your inquiries with the nobles. Offending them would be a huge mistake. Then there's Selari Danaran, a former Indaren hireling who held a personal grudge against Pilu Telomas. I'd also recommend you talk to lord Novas Senim. Since he employed Pilu Telomas he might have a good idea which one of her enemies could be behind all this.

The InvestigationEdit

You have a number of leads here, with Selari Danaran being the nearest. She is just one floor above Flaalsa, but will refuse to speak on the topic of the assassination. You should instead talk to the ruler of Akamora, Novas Senim, in his manor at the top of the central rock spire in the city. Pay him a visit. You may be interrupted by Surol Volayn there, who gives an interesting hint of things to come. Novas himself directs you to the Morag Tong, and warns you not to interrogate the Indaren or the Veri families. It is a warning you should heed. Upsetting these families through questions can result in expulsion from the Akamora Fighters Guild due to the political fallout it generates.

Visit the Morag Tong Guildhall on the east side of Akamora's spire, and speak to Fedril Verothran, who is in the downstairs room at the southern end of the hall. You will need 75+ disposition with him before he will reveal anything - that the assassins were considered so unreliable that no noble family would have hired them. This leaves Selari Danaran as your suspect. You'll need to find evidence before confronting her though. Ask around on the topic of Selari Danaran. Both Mages Guild members and non-noble, non-Morag Tong locals will have something to say.

Once you have heard about Selari's proficiency in Illusion Magic, it is time to confront her. She is at the top of the guard tower in Akamora. Challenge her on the assassination, and kill her. This brings your mission to an end - return to Laalalvo Irano at the Fighters Guild to complete the quest.


On some versions of TR Mainland, it is possible for Laalalvo Irano to not give any further orders on completing the preceding quest. She will simply repeat the orders concerning No Sin Goes Unpunished. This error can be fixed by rising to the rank of Protector (assuming you meet the requirements), and completing Circus Leono's quests, if you have not already done so. He is in the same building.

Quest StagesEdit

Noble Protection (TR_m2_FG_Irano2)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 The Guild has been contracted by Pilu Telomas, a retainer of the Senim family, to provide her and her husband with bodyguards. Telomas believes someone has hired assassins to kill them and wants protection until they can flee Akamora. Circus Leonos has also been assigned to this job. He is already in Telomas Manor.
15 I have arrived in Telomas Manor. Circus Leonos is guarding Gulon Telomas downstairs. I should inform Pilu Telomas that the Guild is here.
20 My conversation with Pilu Telomas was interrupted by noises coming from downstairs.
25 I've defeated two masked assassins downstairs in Telomas Manor. However, both Guvon Telomas and Circus Leonos have been killed.
30 Upon heading upstairs I discovered a third assassin had snuck past me to kill Pilu Telomas. Though the assassins have also been killed it seems that the Guild has failed miserably. I should let Laalalvo know of this.
40 Laalalvo ordered me to find the culprit behind the assassination of the Telomas. She sees it as the only way the Guild can hope to defuse the situation. According to Laalalvo the local guards aren't going to do a proper investigation due to the ever-growing tension between the rivaling noble houses in Akamora. She asked me to talk to her sister Flaalsa Irano, who is the head of the townsguard, and ask if she could help me with the investigation off the record. She can be found in the Guard Tower.
50 Captain Flaalsa Irano listed the Indaren family, the Veri family, and Selari Danaran as potential suspects. Captain Irano stressed that the political climate in Akamora is volatile and that I should be discreet, especially with the noble suspects. She warned me that should she receive word that I was causing a stir in town she'd have me jailed rather than risk the whole situation going off. She also encouraged me to speak with lord Novas Senim, the former employer of the Telomas, to learn more.
52 Novas Senim said that I shouldn't question the Indaren family nor the Veri family, as it would only upset them. Instead, he suggested that I talk to the Morag Tong in Akamora to find out if they know who the assassins were.
53 I was told to talk with Fedril Verothran, a Morag Tong member in the Guildhall downstairs. Verothran often keeps company with unsavory people, so he might know who the hired killers were.
55 The Indaren family denied having anything to do with the assassination of the Telomas.
57 The Veri family denied having anything to do with the assassination of the Telomas.
58 Both the Veri family and the Indaren family have denied any part in the killing of the Telomas.
65 Fedril Verothran admitted knowing the assassins who killed the Telomas and Circus Leonos. According to him they were low-class thugs whom none of the noble families in Akamora would ever hire. This rules out the Indaren family and the Veri family, leaving Selari Danaran the only remaining suspect. I should ask around town if someone has something incriminating on her before confronting her.
70 I've learned that Selari Danaran is an expert in the Illusion school of magic, especially in the invisibility spells. This explains how the three assassins could sneak into Telomas Manor unseen. I should confront Selari Danaran.
80 I've confronted Selari Danaran. She admitted to hiring the assassins to get back at Pilu Telomas, and attacked me.
90 Selari Danaran is dead. I should report back to Laalalvo Irano.
95 I've killed Selari Danaran, though I hadn't gotten a confession out of her. I should report back to Laalalvo Irano.
100 Finishes quest  Laalalvo Irano was relieved to hear I had found and taken care of the culprit behind the assassination of the Telomas.
105 During my investigation to find the culprit behind the assassination of the Telomas I greatly upset one of the nobles in Akamora. This is the kind of thing captain Flaalsa Irano warned me against.
110 I was stopped by a guard who had orders from captain Flaalsa Irano to detain me. I should now inform Laalalvo that the investigation is over.
120 Finishes quest  Laalalvo Irano was extremely unhappy to learn of my failure. With the real culprit behind the deaths of the Telomas unpunished and the noble families of Akamora suspecting each other of the assassination, the Guild's future looks darker than ever.
123 Finishes quest  Laalalvo Irano scolded me for killing Selari Danaran without finding enough proof to get her to confess. With Selari dead the truth behind the assassination of the Telomas will be lost. The noble families of Akamora will view this as a failure. The Fighters Guild's future looks darker than ever.
125 Finishes quest  Laalalvo Irano was extremely unhappy to learn of my failure. With the real culprit behind the deaths of the Telomas unpunished and the noble families of Akamora suspecting each other of the assassination, the Guild's future looks darker than ever. On top of all this I got expelled from the Guild.

Prev: No Sin Goes Unpunished Up: Fighters Guild Quests Next: Akavorioc