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Tamriel Rebuilt:Walk the Talk

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: Quests: Miscellaneous
At an Orc's behest, play a prank on two mighty heroes.
Quest Giver: Hozgub gro-Hazor
Location(s): The Inn Between
Reward: Honeymouth Amulet OR 2x Scroll of Tevil's Peace
ID: TR_m2_wil_Between
Hozgub gro-Hazor is keen to wind up some heroes

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Talk to Hozgub gro-Hazor at The Inn Between with 50+ Disposition.
  2. Convince Eifid the Seeker that Kaye is a vampire.
  3. Convince Eifid by either:
    • Spinning a story about Kaye with 55+ Speechcraft.
    • Giving him vampire dust.
    • Purchasing some Nord mead.
  4. You can now choose to warn or distract Kaye.
    • Doing nothing will see both attack each other with weaponry.
    • You can challenge Kaye to a fistfight, so he discards his weapon.
  5. Allow the two to fight, and then respond to the victor's question on whether to kill or spare their opponent.
  6. Report the results to Hozgub.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Hozgub gro-Hazor, a member of the Fighters Guild, has been getting a poor reception to his true stories, and wishes to take revenge on those who laughed the most. Speaking to him with 50+ disposition about The Inn Between will have him ask the player to participate in a joke of his devising - convincing the vampire hunter, Eifid the Seeker, that the fighter, Kaye, is a vampire. There are multiple ways to do this, some of which can end badly.

With greater than 55 Speechcraft, you can spin Eifid a long yarn about finding out Kaye is a vampire. You can alternatively present him with vampire dust - most easily obtained from the ruins of Dun Akafell to the north. Failing this, go to the bar and buy Nord Mead. You can offer it to Eifid using the 'mead' topic. You'll need to have four jugs on hand to send him off in a drunken rage.

You now need to choose if you speak to Kaye before Eifid reaches him. If you do not, he will still be armed when Eifid approaches for combat, and he is therefore more likely to win at Eifid's expense. If you do speak to Kaye, you can either warn him of Eifid's advance, which makes him more likely to win, or challenge him to a fistfight, which has him discard his weapon and makes Eifid's victory largely certain.

If Kaye wins, and you are nearby, you will get a dialogue option in which you can ask him to spare Eifid. Doing so saves you the reward. If on the other hand Eifid wins and you are nearby, you will get the option to reveal the prank - he will not believe you if drunk, and will kill Kaye, or encourage Kaye's death. If Eifid is drunk and wins, the only way to deter him from killing Kaye is by inviting him back to the bar.

If either Kay or Eifid die, you will receive 2x Scroll of Tevil's Peace from Hozgub, who will express a small amount of regret. Provided both live, however, Hozgub will gleefully reward you with the Honeymouth Amulet.

Quest StagesEdit

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Walk the Talk (TR_m2_wil_Between)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Finishes quest  Hozgub gro-Hazor, an Orc in The Inn Between, asked me to help him pull a prank on some adventurers there.
20   I've agreed to take part in Hozgub's joke. He wants me to convince Eifid, the Nord vampire hunter, that Kaye, the Redguard duelist, is in fact a vampire.
30 Eifid didn't believe the story I made up. I'll need to find another way of convincing him.
31 A story I made up convinced Eifid that I'm a vampire hunter too. I told him I found out Kaye is a vampire, and now he's heading downstairs to confront him. He asked me to distract Kaye somehow, but I'd need to be quick.
32 After a bunch of drinks, I've been able to convince Eifid that Kaye is a vampire. He's heading downstairs to confront him. I must act quickly if I want to help either one of them.
33 I gave some vampire dust to Eifid and told him I found it in Kaye's room. It was enough to assure him Kaye's a vampire, so he's now heading downstairs to confront him. He asked me to help him by distracting Kaye somehow. I'll need to be quick if I want to influence the outcome.
41 I challenged Kaye to a brawl and he accepted. He will put away his sword when I sheathe my weapon. With his weapon out of reach, he should be an easy target for Eifid.
42 Kaye thanked me for warning him about Eifid. He told me not to worry as he won't be taken by surprise, but to stand back and watch the show.
43 I've drawn my weapon while fistfighting Kaye. He was angry that I tried to trick him and refused to continue the duel.
44 Kaye won the fistfighting duel. Now to see whether an armed Eifid fares any better...
51 Eifid was too drunk to be convinced not to kill Kaye, and he did it before I could react.
52 Eifid killed Kaye after I encouraged him to do so.
56 I was able to calm Eifid down by proposing to celebrate his great victory with another drink. He's now heading to the bar...
57 After I pointed out to Eifid that Kaye in fact wasn't a vampire, he spared him. I guess he figured out what was going on, and wasn't a bit happy that the joke was on him.
58 I calmed Eifid and Kaye before their fight got out of hand.
60 Eifid was easily bested, and Kaye chivalrously let him live.
61 Eifid collapsed at the bar after a drink too many.
62 Eifid went into a rage upon learning that he had been tricked, but his drunken rampage was cut short. Hozgub must be pleased with the Nord making a fool of himself.
63 Eifid went into a rage upon learning that he had been tricked, but I calmed him before he could cause any damage. Hozgub must be pleased with the Nord making a fool of himself.
64 Eifid was angered about getting tricked, and I pointed his drunken rage towards... none other than Hozgub.
70 I've killed Eifid.
80 I've killed Kaye.
90 Both Eifid and Kaye are dead, and I had no small part in that.
150 Finishes quest  Hozgub laughed his pants off when I told him what happened. He congratulated me on handling the situation well and thanked me for a good laugh.
151 Finishes quest  Hozgub was delighted with the chaos his joke yielded. As I told him what happened, he congratulated me on handling the situation well and thanked me for a good laugh.
153 Finishes quest  Hozgub seemed at first disgruntled by the turn his joke took. As I told him what happened, however, he congratulated me on handling the situation well and thanked me for a good laugh.
180 Finishes quest  Hozgub was surprised that his joke got so badly out of hand, but he thinks the victims probably deserved it.
190 Finishes quest  Hozgub was a bit shocked when I told him I killed one of the two adventurers. He called me a dumb %PCRace with no sense of humor.
200 Finishes quest  Hozgub was shocked when I told him that both targets of his prank are dead. Obviously his sense of humor is different from mine.
250 Finishes quest  I've killed Hozgub. I bet he didn't anticipate that kind of a punchline to his joke.