hello XD, I'm a new comer to the uesp. I really enjoy the elder scrolls games. I started with morrowind 3 years ago and now i'm an avid player. :P If anyone wants to talk or discuss anything just comment! --Archmage123 18:49, 28 December 2008 (EST)
If anyone needs help with anything for morrowind or oblivion i am quite knowledgeable on both games. (more oblivion) If anyone has any questions on either game i will try to answer to the best of my ability. thx --Archmage123 18:49, 28 December 2008 (EST)
This user is knowledgeable about Oblivion. |
This user is male. |
This user was born under the sign of The Mage. |
This user is from Canada. |
This user is a Dwemer scholar. |
Favorite RaceEdit
My favorite race is the high elf! XD I love them becuase they make great mages and thats what i play best at. If you can live through their weaknesses or cover them up with resist enchantments you have a great mage (who may suck at restoration, but thats beside the point) If anyone else wants to tell me about their fav race and why feel free! Why? Just cause' :)
My CharactersEdit
Name: Lunara
Gender: F
Level: 24
Race: High Elf (Woot!)
Class: Mage
Sign: The Mage
My favorite character. I got her face just right so it doesn't look like she was just hit by a bus. (Is it just me or do they always kinda look like that? You know with the bruised looking eyes and pale, pigment-deprived cheeks, whatever i still like 'em) This is my favorite character to role-play with and basically fiddle around with.
Daedric AlphabetEdit