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Joined 1 May 2021

The Works of Tohku-XalEdit

Tohku-Xal is an enigmatic Argonian scholar and mystic based in Cyrodiil and Black Marsh. She seems to have an usually long lifespan for one of her kind, and has been seen in the halls of many of Tamriel's institutions of learning across the centuries. 


Note included for publication: "Well, it's a star-map, and of a widely-known design at that... The only thing new to do with it is that I put the actual constellations in the same document with the yokudan and dwemer charts, some translations, a calendar, and the known planetary designations, because shuffling back and forth through seven different papers in order to read the stars was incredibly inconvenient... Not much to it, really. Simple practicality. Now stop that scribbling and help me with this thrice-cursed wine bottle!" - Tohku-Xal, Bravil, 20th of Rain's Hand, 3E420. Dictated but not read.


Note included for publication: "In charting the spatial relation between the Standing-stones of Cyrodiil, I have come to the following conclusions: 1. The stones of the three Guardians (Warrior, Mage, & Thief) are arranged in a roughly equilateral triangle in the territory, with the slightly wider side facing the south. 2. The three Great Architecture stones, as I call them, (Dragon/Akatosh, Magnus, & Aetherius) are arranged in an almost perfect equilateral triangle. 3. The five Chaotic stones, as I call them, (Sithis, Shezarr, Jone, Jode, & Serpent) are aligned in a nearly perfect cross/sword arrangement, with the moons crossing the line between the Sithian stone and the Shezarr stone, forming a hilt and pommel, and the sword tip end of the cross/sword marked by the Serpent stone. 4. Each of the lesser signs are arranged in roughly the clockwise order as they stand under their guardians in the sky (Lady, Lord, Steed, etc.), and are all grouped in rough lines/extremely elongated triangles. The Guardian stones, in 'watching' over the lesser stones, create a dense web of inwardly-turned connections. The rough center of these connections is a point between Lake Rumare and Lake Makapi - it should be noted that at this centerpoint, the plane of the Wheel, with it's densest concentration of the planes and "nebulae" of Oblivion visible as a stream of color across the night sky, is directly above. 5. With all of the above in mind, the placement of the stones can be seen to be quite deliberate, confirming the suspicions of the scholar Lady Cinnabar, even if the precise meanings and purposes behind said placements are still unknown." - Tohku-Xal, Talos Plaza District, 5th of Sun's Dawn, 3E433.


Note included for publication: "On examination of the Dwemer orrery, especially from a top-down view (obtained in my case by climbing on the ceiling - I saw no alternative), it is clear that the massive panels on the dorsal side of the structure, among other things, are purely aesthetic choices intended to suggest the form of a dragon. These panels are clearly symmetrical, and clearly in the shape of dragon's wings, and flap in time with one another as such. The metalwork around the sphere representing Akatosh similarly clearly depicts the head of a dragon complete with nasal horn, eyes, crest-horns, etc. I dare not speculate why the Dwemer went to such lengths to evoke a dragon's form in their representation of Mundus, but my instincts as a mystic and scholar tell me that the Dwemer did not do so out of mere whimsy. Postscript: Please excuse the errant red ink mark on the left side of the page. My raven gave me quite a shock." - Tohku-Xal, Arcane University, 8th of Heartfire, 3E433.

((OOC: Original character & writing by Shahar the Alchemist. All information herein, except for that which pertains specifically to the character, is intended to be accurate to the canon lore, so please feel free to correct me where necessary. Thank you.))