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ON-qico-Companion.png Help Isobel recover a ring that is valuable to her family.
Zone: High Isle
Quest Giver: Isobel Veloise
Location(s): Port Hunding, Seyda Neen, Wayrest, Belkarth, Craglorn, Gonfalon Bay
Prerequisites: Friendly Rapport with Isobel Veloise
Prerequisite Quest: Tournament of the Heart
Next Quest: A Mother's Request
Reward: Supply Pack
Very High Leveled Gold
XP Gain: Very High Experience
ID: 6789
"Oh no! He got away! Isobel, I'm so sorry! Are you going after that scoundrel?"
"Yes, thanks to my extremely kind companion here. Aurelia … what am I going to do with you?"—Travel with Isobel to recover a stolen heirloom
A ring Isobel gave to her friend Aurelia many years ago has been stolen. The ring was a symbol of their relationship, once upon a time, but here and now the loss of the signet ring could mean trouble for Isobel's family.

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Travel to Port Hunding and talk with Aurelia.
  2. Track Kiv and find out where he is heading.
  3. Travel to Seyda Neen and look for clues.
  4. Go to Wayrest and find Julles.
  5. Travel to Belkarth and find Goldleaf.
  6. Confront Kiv and decide on his punishment.
  7. Search for the Veloise Signet Ring at the location you were provided and talk to Isobel.
  8. Go to the Veloise Townhouse in Gonfalon Bay.
  9. Meet Isobel's parents and talk to Isobel.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Upon reaching a Friendly rapport with your companion, Isobel, she will tell you she's received word from her special friend, Aurelia, and that she needs assistance:

"My friend, I am not in the habit of asking for favors. But … well. I just got some news from Aurelia.
You remember her, my childhood friend we helped during the tourney?"
How is Aurelia?
"She's gone traveling. After that business with her mother and the tourney, I encouraged her to find her own way. Which is … grand.
Unfortunately, some of her things were stolen. Including a signet ring I gave her many years ago."
Is the ring still important to you?
"It's a signet ring representing my family's business, Veloise Mercantile. Someone wearing that ring could pretend they were working for my parents. That would be … bad.
Aurelia is on Stros M'Kai. If you don't mind … could we go speak with her?"
We'll head to Stros M'Kai, then.

You have the option of asking her additional questions for background information before leaving. The Letter from Aurelia Jourvel will temporarily be available to read in the quest items tab of your inventory.

On Stros M'KaiEdit

Travel to Port Hunding in Stros M'Kai, where you'll find Aurelia in conversation with an employee of Isobel's family's business. Aurelia relates that she was hoodwinked by a petty thief named Kiv, who has stolen a number of her personal items, including a Veloise Signet Ring -- a family heirloom given to her by Isobel many years ago. She asks if you'll help find Kiv, return the stolen items, and teach him a lesson.

Follow the trail of items he dropped when he fled, including a Betty Netch Ambergris Pomade, an Engraved Arm Band, Kiv's Journal, and even a delicious Crumbly Sweetroll. These will lead you to the docks, where you'll need to look for a witness who can tell you the boat on which the thief departed. Speaking to either Aydrah or Seeks-Shadow will point you in the right direction: the thief sailed to Seyda Neen, in Morrowind, on the far side of Tamriel. (Note bug report below about boat captain.)

In MorrowindEdit

"Oh yeah, I know Kiv. Men like him, they're a lot of fun … until they drag you into some scheme of theirs and you lose your job."

In Seyda Neen, you'll find another spurned woman in Kiv's wake: Galedra. She confirms what Isobel had already suspected: that Kiv has been using her family's signet as a way to ring up an expensive bill and then "charge it to the house," meaning the House of Veloise. Isobel's sense of urgency to find this ne'er-do-well intensifies. Galedra will point you to Kiv's backpack, which he left inside The Saucy Nix. Near the pack you'll find his notes. Inside the pack you'll find a letter from yet another in Kiv's long line of lovers. If needed, the Letter from Julles Laurdon will temporarily be available to reread from the quest items tab in your inventory. The clues in it, about someone eagerly waiting for him with another expensive piece of jewelry, lead you to believe you may be able to find Kiv in Wayrest, in High Rock -- yet another long ocean voyage to the far side of Tamriel!

In High RockEdit

Scorned lovers join forces

Upon arriving, head to the Temple of the Divines and you'll find Julles fretting about having trusted Kiv. He will tell you to head to Belkarth, in Hammerfell. (This scoundrel is truly a world traveler!) Astonishingly, a few moments after you finish speaking with Julles, Galedra from Seyda Neen will show up. She and Julles decide to travel to Belkarth as well. Speaking with Isobel, you'll learn what you may have already suspected: Isobel was infatuated with Aurelia when they were younger. With the damage done by the loss of this ring, she is looking forward to recovering it.

In CraglornEdit

Your hanger-ons try and convince Goldleaf about Kiv's duplicity

In Belkarth, head to the tavern and you'll find Goldleaf upstairs. Using the signet, Kiv had promised to start up a lucrative business on behalf of Veloise Mercantile. The frustrated Bosmer tells you Kiv should be in the basement of the tavern. If you speak to Galedra, she'll ask you not to kill Kiv since she won't be able to get revenge on him if he's dead. If you speak to Julles, he'll ask you not to hurt Kiv's beautiful face because it's so pleasant to look at.

"Damn. Thought it would be a skeever. Gotta remember for next time, go easy on the spidersilk."

Head outside and you'll find the basement entrance through a trapdoor on the southwest end of the tavern. Entering the basement, you'll interrupt a meeting Kiv was having with Gerina and Cesir; the pair of them will run out without interacting with you. This will turn Kiv against you, so you'll have to fight him. Once you've demonstrated you have the ability to kill him, he'll stop fighting and talk. He'd rather talk to you than your "stabby sword lady" friend. If you'll agree not to kill him, he'll tell you where the ring is. Once you've agreed and he's shared the location of the hidden ring, Galedra, Julles, and Goldleaf walk in to deal with Kiv. You must decide what punishment to give him: either turn him into a skeever for a month as Galedra suggests or send him to a celibate monastery for a year as Julles suggests. Make your choice and watch the results: either Galedra pours a potion on Kiv that turns him into a spider, or she assists by knocking him out with a concoction so that he can be taken to the monastery.

After the scene plays out, head outside to go find the ring. Just north of Belkarth, you'll find Ogondar's Winery. Just north of that, you'll find the rocks where Kiv hid the ring. Dig in the pile of dirt at the base of the rocks to recover the ring.

Back to High IsleEdit

Meeting Isobel's Parents

Isobel will be glad to have it back, and she'll ask if you'll accompany her to her family's home. So, after sailing around the continent of Tamriel multiple times, it's time to sail once more, this time to Gonfalon Bay in the Systres Isles. At her home on the west end of town, you'll meet her parents, Delven and Miriette, who are happy to see Isobel and to meet you.

Isobel Veloise: "Hello mother, hello father. I have some news. A thief stole my old signet ring, and may have caused us some issues. Don't worry, my friend and I are looking into it."
Delven Veloise: "Hmm. That would explain some letters we've received."
Isobel Veloise: "We caught the thief and I have the ring, but I want you to have it. I clearly can't keep it safe."
Miriette Veloise: "I am sure there's a story here, and I bet it involves Aurelia. But for now I'm just so glad to see you."
Isobel Veloise: "My friend, I'm proud to introduce you to the honorable Delven Veloise, and Lady Miriette Veloise."
Delven Veloise: "Welcome! Isobel writes us often, so we feel like we know you already!"

Talking with Isobel completes the quest — so now you can set sail again, for wherever your next adventure takes you!



  • After you choose to punish Kiv (with either choice), his sword may glitch and remain in the air above his new form. ?
  • One of the quest stages directs you to see "Darak" Hlaren for passage to Seyda Neen in Vvardenfell, but his name is actually Davak Hlaren. ?
    • A /bug report was submitted 11.10.2023.

Quest StagesEdit

The Lost Symbol
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
Aurelia sent the letter from the island of Stros M'Kai. If we're going to figure out who stole the signet ring, we should meet up with her at the Screaming Mermaid inn.
Objective: Find Aurelia on Stros M'Kai

There seems to be a lot of going on with this signet ring, and Isobel's past. I could speak with her to learn more about this situation.

Optional Step: Talk to Isobel
Aurelia is upset, in a bad state. I need to chat with her to see what happened.
Objective: Talk to Aurelia Jourvel
Aurelia struggled with the thief and managed to slice open his pack. We should attempt to follow his trail by looking out for dropped stolen goods.
Objective: Track Kiv Lindres
Optional Step: Talk to Captain Marso
The conman made it to the docks. Perhaps someone in the area knows where Kiv was headed.
Objective: Find a Witness to Kiv's Departure
Hidden Objective: Ask Dock Workers about Kiv Lindres
According to the dock worker, Kiv sailed for Seyda Neen on the island of Vvardenfell. I should speak to Isobel and see what she wants to do now.
Objective: Talk to Isobel
Kiv Lindres made for the Morrowind port of Seyda Neen, so that's where we're headed too. We should ask around town to see if anyone has seen him.
Objective: Search for Kiv Lindres in Seyda Neen
Objective Hint: Navigator Darak Hlaren Travels to Seyda Neen
(See bug report above.)
We met one of Kiv's past associates. She told us he left some belongings inside the tavern. They might contain a clue as to where he's gone.
Objective: Search Kiv's Belongings
Apparently Kiv was to meet with a Julles Laurdon in Wayrest, near a Temple of the Divines.
Objective: Search for Kiv Lindres in Wayrest
Julles Laurdon is at at the Temple of the Divines. We should talk to him.
Objective: Talk to Julles Laurdon
We found Julles Laurdon in Wayrest. Kiv had him fooled as well. I should check in with Isobel to see what she thinks.
Objective: Talk to Isobel
Kiv is in Belkarth, meeting someone named Goldleaf. Hopefully we can corner Kiv and get the ring back from him.
Objective: Search for Kiv Lindres in Belkarth
Julles and Galedra are trying to convince Goldleaf Kiv is bad news. We should speak to this newcomer to see if he knows where we can find the thief.
Objective: Talk to Goldleaf
Goldleaf was supposed to meet Kiv beneath the Crossroads Tavern in Belkarth. The entrance to the basement is along the side of the building. Finally! We can confront the swindler.
Objective: Confront Kiv Lindres Beneath the Tavern
We cornered Kiv and although he put up a fight, it was no contest. Quite a few people want to talk to him, but Isobel needs that family ring back, so we'll deal with him first.
Objective: Talk to Kiv Lindres
Kiv's victims, Julles and Galedra, have come up with fitting punishments for the scoundrel. I should speak with them and decide what his fate will be.
Objective: Choose a Punishment for Kiv
Kiv told us the ring was near a twin spire of rock north of Ogondar's Winery. If he's telling the truth, we should find Isobel's family ring there.
Objective: Find the Stolen Ring
After quite the adventure, we found Isobel's ring. I should speak to her.
Objective: Talk to Isobel
Isobel wants to give the ring back to her parents. They live in a townhouse near the port in Gonfalon Bay.
Objective: Go to Isobel's Home in Gonfalon Bay
Isobel wants to introduce me to her parents! I should follow along.
Objective: Meet Isobel's Parents
The ring is safely back home at the Veloise townhouse. I should speak with Isobel.
Objective: Talk to Isobel
Finishes quest  I should speak to Isobel one more time, to get her final thoughts on our adventure.
Objective: Talk to Isobel
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
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