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Tamriel Rebuilt:Vero Renim

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: People
Vero Renim (TR_m1_Vero Renim)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Port Telvannis
Location Telvanni Council House
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 30 Class Mage
Other Information
Health 150 Magicka 198
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Great House Telvanni 3(Lawman)
Vero Renim

Vero Renim is a Dark Elf mage and Lawman of House Telvanni who can be found in the entrance hall of the Telvanni Council House in Port Telvannis. He acts as a clerk for the Parliament of Bugs, and deals with the inquiries of commoners and those who wish to join House Telvanni.

He wears an extravagant robe with matching shoes, and a pair of common pants. He wields a dwarven dagger.

Aside from his natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by his ancestors, he knows the following spells: Absorb Personality (Ranged), Absorb Speed (Ranged), Blood Despair, Dire Weary, Drain Alteration, Drain Blood, Drain Destruction, Drain Illusion, Drain Mysticism, Drain Restoration, Feet of Notorgo, Great Feather, Masterful Golden Wisdom, Masterful Green Wisdom, Masterful Red Wisdom, Masterful Silver Wisdom, Masterful Unseen Wisdom, Medusa's Gaze, Toxic Cloud, Second Barrier, Strong Fire Shield, Strong Frost Shield, Strong Reflect, Strong Shock Shield, Strong Spelldrinker, Summon Clannfear, Vivec's Mercy, Wild Distraction, and Wild Spelldrinker.

Related QuestsEdit

House TelvanniEdit

Tribunal TempleEdit



  • Greetings:
"Have you come to join House Telvanni? If not, then why are you speaking to me? Please, get right to the point."
"Why would a proud Redoran, ignorant of magic, come to Port Telvannis and speak to me? Well, let's hear it."
"Hlaalu... That is the House you belong to, isn't it? Don't bother asking how I know this; it is my job to know such things. Now why are you here?"
"Ahh, a member of House Indoril... I hope you're not here to cause problems and spout off about your fervor for the Temple. If your lords hadn't possessed more fervor than intelligence four centuries ago, your house would be in better shape today."
"It is always a pleasure when a member of House Dres calls at the Parliament of Bugs. What may I do for you, %PCName?"
  • Advancement:
"Do you wish to join House Telvanni? You must do this before you can receive advancement."
"Why? You have done nothing which entitles you to the rank of %NextPCRank. You neither meet the requirements, nor successfully completed the duties required of a %NextPCRank."
"You have the skills we seek, but you have not done enough duties for House Telvanni to gain the trust required to reach the rank of %NextPCRank."
"You've done plenty of chores to gain our trust, but you don't meet our skill requirements. You must practice your magic and then attempt to gain advancement again."
"Yes, we find you worthy of %NextPCRank. Congratulations on your promotion."
"You will have to speak with one of the Mouths for further advancement."

If you are Master rank or higher:

"%PCRank, I am unworthy of advancement, but thank you for your high regard."

If you have been expelled from House Telvanni:

"You seem to have been expelled, %PCName. Speak with one of the Mouths."
"You must speak with one of the Mouths."
"You must speak with your patron, Master Aryon."
"You seem to have been expelled, %PCName. I will clear this up immediately."
  • Background:
"I am Vero Renim, %Rank of Great House Telvanni. I spend most of my time here in Port Telvannis, dealing with ignorant requests and questions for the Parliament of Bugs. I patiently await the opportunity to become the protege of some Telvanni Lord wise enough to see my true potential."

If you are a member of House Telvanni:

"I am Vero Renim, %Rank of Great House Telvanni. I spend most of my time here in Port Telvannis, dealing with ignorant requests and questions for the Parliament of Bugs, or directing current or prospective members of House Telvanni such as yourself. I patiently await the opportunity to become the protege of some Telvanni Lord wise enough to see my true potential."
  • cacophany:
"Yes, the constant wittering of all these peasants with their simple-minded questions does feel like that at times."
  • chores:
"While I would love to acquiesce to your requests, %PCRank, my pressing duties here prevent me from aiding you. Ah, the joys of paperwork..."
"Go to the Council Chambers, step on to the Platform of Ascension and rise to meet the Parliament of Bugs. It is they to whom we answer, %PCRank."
"Go to the Council Chambers, step on to the Platform of Ascension and rise to meet the Parliament of Bugs. It is they to whom you answer now, %PCRank."
  • Council:
"The council chambers are through that door at the top of the stairs."
  • House Telvanni:
"Unlike the 'pious' Redorans and Indoril, or the foolish Hlaalu, we in Great House Telvanni are unfettered by religion or politics. Those who wish to join House Telvanni must go through me first, and I employ rigorous standards. Of course, with all the irritating peasants I am constantly forced to deal with, any enjoyment I receive from putting budding wizards on the road to greatness is paid back threefold by the sheer ignorance I have to put up with for the rest of my time. Now, you have a question?"
  • join House Telvanni:
"You do not meet our standards, %PCRace. Begone."
"You must speak with one of the Mouths."
"You seem to be a worthy candidate. Speak with one of the Mouths, I'm sure they'll hear you out."
"You have been expelled from House Telvanni! I will clear this up immediately."
"%PCRank, you have been expelled from House Telvanni! I will of course clear this up immediately."
  • latest rumors:
"I have no time for your pitiful attempt at conversation, %PCClass. Ask your question quickly, or move on." (Disposition down by 5)
"The Parliament has brought in new rules on income reports and taxes just recently. I expect I'll be on the receiving end of yet more infuriating complaints from disgruntled commoners very soon."
"The duchess of Firewatch sent an emissary to the Parliament recently. A classic case of Imperial arrogance, demanding we cease attacking Imperial shipping through the straits. He was denied audience with the Mouths, of course."
"The Parliament has rejected the latest attempts by the Temple to get a foothold here. We Telvanni will not be dictated to by the self-righteous House Indoril."
  • little advice:
"You want advice from me? I'd advise you to stop wasting my time." (Disposition down by 5)
"I'm sorry, %PCRank, but I'm very busy right now. Is there something more important you need to talk about?"
  • little secret:
"Ugh. I don't even want to know." (Disposition down by 5)
"I've noticed that Mistress Rathra is getting more and more vocal in Council affairs. She is gaining more influence every day, especially seeing as the Archmagister doesn't take as active a part in the Council's affairs anymore."
"Although I deal with initiating those with promise into House Telvanni, Mouth Nevrile Omayn has little faith in my talent for identifying such 'promise'. Hah! The only reason she can't see the best from our inititates is her Master's penchant for giving them pointless tasks in his beloved Ranyon-ruhn, home to the only real Temple in the Telvanni Isles. If that's not a sign of a weak Master, I don't know what is."
  • my trade:
"I suppose you ignorant outlanders might call me the 'secretary' of the Parliament of Bugs, but to do so is to disregard the vital role I play here at the Council House. I deal with those who wish to join House Telvanni, and I save the Council the trouble of having to deal with Port Telvannis' irritating commoners and civilians. I suppose you have a question for me."

If you are a member of House Telvanni:

"I am, if you will, the 'public face' of the Parliament of Bugs. I save the Council the trouble of having to deal with Port Telvannis' irritating commoners and civilians, and I also deal with the initiation of those with promise into Great House Telvanni."
  • Parliament of Bugs:
"To even hear you speak that name rings ignorance. How could you possibly contemplate their true purpose and power? Still, your interest shows some intelligence and forethought. Should you wish to join House Telvanni, it is to the Mouths that you must speak."
  • someone in particular:
"Everyone of any importance is either here in the Council Chambers, or in the upper reaches of this city. I highly doubt you'll be meeting any of them soon."
"Everyone of any importance is either here in the Council Chambers, or in the upper reaches of this city."

House Telvanni: Concerns of a LordEdit

  • Greetings:
"Yes? Ah, another commoner come to bother me with some infuriating request? Very well, if you must. Speak. Do not try my patience."

If you are a member of House Telvanni:

"Yes? Ah, yet more requests? Very well. Speak, if you will."
"I believe I informed you that Parliament protocol requires you remain outside the Council Houses for the duration of the hearing, yes? Protocol also requires that I inform the Mouths of your presence and halt proceedings until you leave. So..." Goodbye
"You petition the Parliament of Bugs, I provide the verdict. Such is my life. Fascinating. So, do you wish to hear the result?"
  • petition the Parliament of Bugs:

If you are a man:

"Ah, so Master Mithras sets forth a request to the Parliament of Bugs? And through some non-Telvanni errand boy? How... rustic. Very well, I shall put Mithras' request to the Parliament. I will report their verdict to you in two hours' time. I am afraid Parliament protocol requires that you leave the Council House for the duration of the hearing. Leave." Goodbye (Removed Official Document of Request from your inventory)

If you are a woman:

"Ah, so Master Mithras sets forth a request to the Parliament of Bugs? And through some non-Telvanni errand girl? How... rustic. Very well, I shall put Mithras' request to the Parliament. I will report their verdict to you in two hours' time. I am afraid Parliament protocol requires that you leave the Council House for the duration of the hearing. Leave." Goodbye (Removed Official Document of Request from your inventory)

If you are a member of House Telvanni:

"Ah, so Master Mithras sets forth a request to the Parliament of Bugs? And not in person? How... rustic. Very well, I shall put Mithras' request to the Parliament. I will report their verdict to you in two hours' time. I am afraid Parliament protocol requires that you leave the Council House for the duration of the hearing, despite your position as %PCRank. So, if you would...?" Goodbye (Removed Official Document of Request from your inventory)

If you don't have the Official Document of Request:

"Ah, so Master Mithras sets forth a request to the Parliament of Bugs? And yet, without the proper official documents? Well then, I am afraid I simply cannot convey his request to the Parliament."
"Regrettably I have to inform you that the Parliament have revoked his request, as they have no slaves to spare at the current time. Well, what are you standing there for? You may go." Goodbye

House Telvanni: Balancing ActEdit

  • Greetings:
"You require the official ledgers of the ebony stockpiles at Ranyon-ruhn? Ah, the joy of paperwork. Very well. Give me a few hours, and you shall hold those very documents in your hands. Standard Parliament procedures apply, I am afraid to say. The door is that way."

If you are a member of House Telvanni:

"You require the official ledgers of the ebony stockpiles at Ranyon-ruhn? Ah, the joy of paperwork. Very well. Give me a few hours, and you shall hold those very documents in your hands. Standard Parliament procedures apply, I am afraid to say. You will have to leave for the duration of the proceedings."
"I believe I informed you that Parliament protocol requires you remain outside the Council Houses for the duration of the process when paperwork and debates are involved, yes? Protocol also requires that I halt proceedings until you leave. So..." Goodbye
"Ah, %PCName. You are late. Regardless, I believe these are the documents you required? Now, gods-forbid, is there any other way I can be of service?" (You receive the Port Telvannis Official Ledgers)

If you are a member of House Telvanni:

"Ah, %PCName. You are late. Regardless, I believe these are the documents you required? Now, is there any other way I can be of service?" (You receive the Port Telvannis Official Ledgers)

Tribunal Temple: Chores in Port TelvannisEdit

  • message to Port Telvannis:
"Oh, excellent. Master Ratagos sends me yet another edifying letter."
  • Vero snatches the letter from your hands and reads it swiftly, before filing it away. He then smiles to himself as he scrawls a quick reply on a piece of paper.: "Here is the Council's reply. Oh, and tell your Master that should he ever dare to even question the affairs of Great House Telvanni again, he can expect a swift and likely fatal expulsion from his precious Temple in Ranyon-ruhn, that we so graciously bequeathed upon him. Now get out." Goodbye (Removed Message to House Telvanni, and you receive Official Reply from the Council)

Mudlap and the MosslogEdit

"Mudlap? Yes, I seem to recall the name. Ah yes, the fool wanted to join House Telvanni but couldn't cast a single spell. Of course, we rejected him. Why do you ask?"
  • He is planning to overthrow House Telvanni with an army of mudcrabs.: "That worm thinks he can oust the Telvanni? Pathetic. Very well, I will have it taken care of. Here, take this gold and leave me alone." (You receive 80 gold)
"Yes? Was there something else you wanted?"
  • Nothing.: "Go about your business then. I'm very busy, you know." (Disposition down by 2)
"You already asked me about him. Did you actually want something or are you just trying to waste my time?"
  • He is planning to overthrow House Telvanni with an army of mudcrabs.: (See duplicate line above)
  • I was just making conversation.: "I am not here to make idle conversation. Leave me." (Disposition down by 5)
"Mudlap? Yes, he was involved in a minor disturbance involving some mudcrabs. The guards thought it was very droll, I hear. Perhaps you can waste their time with such trivial matters?"

Search for a Perfect SwordEdit

  • perfect sword:
"Is that truly the limit to you peasants' imaginations?"

If you are a Nord or an Orc:

"Is that all you barbarians ever think about?"

If you are a member of House Telvanni:

"Surely you have more important things to discuss."


  • These lines of dialogue don't appear in normal gameplay, as the questlines for House Indoril and House Dres have yet to be implemented.