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Warning: This article contains mature subject matter. Reader discretion is advised.
A Heart's Day bedroom

Sex is intimate physical contact between individuals, typically for the purposes of reproduction or pleasure. This article documents not just the biology, but also the various customs, stories and reputations the different cultures, religions and races of Tamriel (and beyond) have regarding sex and reproduction. This article also touches on the reproduction of animals and on sexual dimorphism found both in fauna and in the various races.

Racial Compatibility and ReproductionEdit

Aeliah Remnus, a half Imperial half Redguard woman

The council of healers at the Imperial University has done many analyses of the living races and determined that mer and man can effectively reproduce with one another. The Imperial University found that the children of interracial couples typically take on more of the mother's racial features, with traces of the father's traits being expressed.[1] However, this is not entirely true: there have been documented cases where humans from two different races have had children, and their offspring bore features from both parents.[2][UOL 1] The Imperial University's council of healers could also not determine if Argonians, Orcs and Khajiit are reproductively compatible with mer and man and each other.[1] Despite this, other Imperial scholars have claimed that men, mer and humanoid beastfolk can all mate with one another.[3]

As previously mentioned, children of mixed ancestry are possible. Notable examples include Aeliah Renmus, the daughter of a Redguard and an Imperial, Bacaro Volorus, the son of an Imperial and a Breton, and the Gray Prince, who was born to an Orc and an Imperial.[2][4][UOL 1] The Gray Prince's father was an Imperial vampire, providing evidence that at least some vampires can reproduce with the living.[5] Jagar Tharn in one account was described as a "mongrel elf", allegedly being part wood elf, part dark elf, and part "only the gods know what".[6] In cases of mixed heritage, traits of different races may skip generations, appearing later on in the family line. One such case was that of Nunex Faleria's grandchild, who displayed elven traits despite having human parents.[7]

Half-giants are, as the name implies, half-giant men.[8] The legendary Companion Lyris Titanborn is one of the most well known half-giants, despite only having giant ancestry unlike true half-giants.[UOL 1][9][10]

At least some Akaviri races can interbreed with humans, with such examples as the mixed Akaviri-Imperial people of Hakoshae[11] or the half-human half-Akaviri mercenary lord Duadeen.[UOL 2][UOL 3] The infamous Blades captain Lorant Bouchard, who wielded a powerful Tsaesci blade, was rumored to be part serpent.[12]

Pairings between mortals and the immortal have also been documented. Some of the most "common" examples of these are shown in the form of Demi-Princes, offspring of Daedric Princes or Daedra Lords and a lesser entity, such as a mortal.[13] The Nede Alessia and the Demigod Morihaus are known for siring a child, Belharza, and possibly creating the Minotaur race.[14]

A Land Dreugh guarding her nest

Various species of typically aggressive beastfolk are claimed to or have a reputation for mating with other races. Ogres are one such case who may be able to interbreed with humans,[15] although it's unknown if this is the case for the other Goblin-ken.[1](?) At least one tale of unconfirmed authenticity mentions offspring from a pairing of a lamia and a man of another race.[16] However this seemingly all-female race is presumed to be hermaphroditic, and known to self-fertilize their eggs.[17] Harpies have a reputation as creatures who kidnap, mate with, and kill human males,[18][19] but their reproductive biology is otherwise not well understood.[1] It is said that thousands of generations of inbreeding has removed any trace of intellect from the minds of Wrothgarian harpies, who are closer to giant birds than people.[20]

The tall, bestial and hunchbacked Maormer Leviathans are rumored to be "the spawn of some unholy and sorcerous coupling of Sea Elf and Sea Serpent".[21]I could have sworn there's another source talking about them somewhere

The Telvanni Divayth Fyr was capable of creating female clones of himself from his own flesh.[22]

Some beastfolk only reproduce during certain life-phases, often accompanied by drastic transformations. For one year of their life, dreugh undergo a process known as karvinasim and emerge onto land as aggressive and animalistic crustaceans to breed.[23] Grummites only mate once they've fully matured from their aquatic and semi-aquatic life phases, being consumed by an urge to mate once their metamorphosis is complete.[24] The Sload are hermaphrodites in their "polwygle" phase, and later reabsorb their reproductive organs once they're old enough to walk on land.[25] Due to this, the council of healers at the Imperial University assumes that the Sload cannot produce children with the races of Tamriel.[1][26]

Cultural Views and PracticesEdit


A Heart's Day date

The Altmer have a rough reputation to outsiders, with some believing they practice some form of eugenics, supposedly practicing infanticide in nine out of ten newborns due to impurities.[27] This has some basis in truth, as some Altmer (but not all)[28][UOL 4] do abandon those born with deformities or impurities, branding them as "hulkynds".[29]

Some Altmer physicians believed that elven women could not conceive more than four times, with the usual number of children being two.[30] Some Altmer were believed to have engaged in inbreeding[31] with a prominent example being Clan Direnni due to the lack of distinctive features among them. However another theory to explain this was the possibility that they reproduced through magic.[32] In the days of Direnni rule over High Rock, these elves had many privileges and rights over their human subjects, one of which was the "Perquisite of Coition", or in other words, the right to have sex with any human they so desired. Sex with their subjects was not just casual fun but also competition between Direnni, as many strove to have "stables" filled with the most attractive humans they could find.[33]

Erotic literature, both fictional and instructional is present in Altmer society. During the time of the First Aldmeri Dominion, the Thalmor distributed guides on approved methods of procreation in order to properly reflect their Altmeri heritage.[34] Individuals of importance such as Queen Ayrenn were popular subjects in erotic fiction during the Interregnum.[35]

Some of the more prejudiced among the High Elves have compared sleeping with Bosmer to bestiality.[36]


Some Argonians view "mating" as nothing more than an order of the Hist to reproduce.[37] Despite having breasts, Saxhleel are capable of laying eggs.[38][39] Distinct from other races, the Argonians have cloacas.[40]

There exists limited-edition Argonian erotica featuring androgynous etchings of the race.[41]

→ See also: Reproduction and Child-Rearing in Argonian Culture


A Druidic arousal-inducing artifact (ESO)
A male Breton displaying a remnant of elven blood: pointed ears (ESO)

The Breton people are a "hybrid"[UOL 5] race which originated from centuries of Nedic and Aldmer interbreeding.[42][43][44] In the early days of the race, they were even referred to as Manmeri,[45] Half-Elves,[33] and possibly Chimera (from the Altmeri word for "change").[46] Over time, elven blood became more and more diluted in the Breton race, resulting in their elven features waning, but never outright vanishing, instead presenting itself in aspects such as the pointed elf-like ears which some Bretons still possess.[44][47] Due to this heritage, Bretons are still sometimes derogatorily referred to as a "mongrels" or "degraded hybrids".[33][48]

Breton royalty and nobility is rumored to practice incest. A notable subject of these rumors is King Ranser, who has allegedly slept with every sibling in his royal line. These salacious rumors even implied that his daughter Rayelle was a product of one such coupling. Others speak of pagan rituals, paint-slick bodies and mind-altering concoctions as having their places in "blood purity" customs. Other figures of note were a young noblewoman and her brother at a House Ravenwatch party. Despite this, many of these stories are just that — stories — and considered poor grist and sensationalism to most historians.[49]

Some Bretons utilize drugs to enhance their bedchamber activities.[50] Waking Day is a Breton holiday originally invented to wake the spirits of nature. In modern times it has evolved into an orgiastic celebration of winter's end.[51] The druids of the Systres archipelago of Galen possessed an artifact which caused extreme arousal to those in its vicinity. In the Second Era, this relic was unearthed and activated by the Dreadsail pirates, leading the entire settlement of Llanshara to devolve into frequent sexual activity.[52][53] This same settlement had a 'Ritual of Life's Commencement', an ancient tradition about celebrating the creation of life through the sexual union of Druids.[54] The Bretons of High Isle idolized mermaids as fertility icons.[55]

The Laumont line is rumored to have originated from a union of Breton and flame atronach, though this is dismissed by some members of the family as exaggeration or embellishment.[56]

The Prostitutes Guild has a large, almost palatial guildhouse located in an affluent part of Camlorn.[57]

A Third Era joke book poked fun at Bretons for being rather promiscuous.[58]


The Wood Elves, who outnumber all other Mer in Tamriel, have a reputation for being amorously-inclined, with 12 being considered the average number of children in a family.[59][60] They are relaxed when it comes to this part of life, casually bringing it up in conversation[61] and even eroticising their religion through suggestive drawings of plant-life and fertility idols.[62][63] The dreaded Wild Hunt has been described as a "cannibalistic orgy" by some.[64]

Some have theorised that Ayleid extinction was due to a lack of fertility among the Wild Elves, who instead resorted to mating with the Bosmer people to replenish their numbers. Fertility totems supporting this theory have been unearthed in Greenshade[65][66]

Curiously, mechanical devices which display moving pictures of Bosmer coitus exist.[67] The leaves of rare flytraps found deep within Valenwood are used as a powerful aphrodisiac.[68]


Desele's House of Earthly Delights, a gentlemens' club in Morrowind
An erotic dancer

Dark Elves have various brothels and gentlemens' clubs throughout Morrowind.[69][70] Dunmer women have a reputation for being promiscuous. A Third Era joke book shared this sentiment.[30][58] Dunmer are no strangers to personal entertainment. Copper "ash yams" were made for bedroom use and nobles collected "amorous articles" for lonely nights.[71][72]

Vivec's sermons, The Thirty-Six Lessons of Vivec have prominent sexual themes and depict possibly sexual actions forbidden by the titular god, such as penetration of the "second aperture" and oral practices, although the latter is still practiced in secrecy.[73] Almalexia is also a prominent figure, with ornate fertility fetishes idolizing her circulating throughout Morrowind.[74] In Deshaan she's also featured in a stage play known as "The Thirty Sex Sermons of Vivec", where a depiction of her makes love on-stage.[75]


Imperial soldiers have been known to carry etchings of erotic scenes when on duty in foreign lands.[76] The Imperials of Hakoshae are known for their Akaviri ancestry which dates back to the time of the fading Akaviri Potentate.[11][77]


Depiction of a Khajiit couple and their cub

The morphology of Khajiit is determined at their date of birth rather than the shape of their parents.[78][79] It is intrinsically tied to the phases of Jone and Jode and the Lunar Lattice,[80] also known as the ja-Kha'jay.[81] After birth, Khajiit look very similar to one another and are smaller than human newborns. Within weeks, their individual morphology becomes more clear, and their growth is faster than that of humans.

Different furstocks can engage in romantic pairings, though some can prove to be more physically challenging than others.[UOL 6] Some furstocks possess phallic barbs.[30][UOL 7] For more information, see Furstocks.

The term "zuub-zuub" is used by the Khajiit to describe sex.[82] Khajiit pornography exists in circulation throughout Tamriel.[83][84]


Some Nords are known to keep a bust of Dibella in their bedchambers, supposedly invigorating sensual activities.[85] Mara is a common figure in nordic sexual culture, with fertility fetishes found in shrines of the goddess throughout Skyrim. Unique incenses are also made in her name, such as the "Incense of Mara" which is a prohibited version of the common calm-inducing scent that permeates most Nord bedchambers.[86][87] Nords sometimes employ "morale officers" in war camps.[88] In the fourth Era, the Nords of Riften were known to take issue with the practice of "Dibellan Arts".[89]


Despite the Orcish Code of Malacath insisting that only the chief may marry, and by extension sleep with their many wives, it is seen as an open secret that plenty of extramarital acts happen behind closed doors.[90]rephrase this Acorns were a fecundity icon for some Orcs, as fertilty fetishes depicting pregnant Orsimer holding the nut were known to exist during the Second Era.[91] In the Second Era, Orc shamans used powdered alit horns in fertility rituals.[92]


The modern Reachfolk are considered a mixed mannish race, distinct from all others who contribute to their ancestral makeup. Their ancestry is diverse, with some clans tracing their roots to Keptu,[93] Direnni Altmer invaders, Bretons, Imperials, Nedes, Nords, Orcs,[94] and, according to some accounts, even Daedra.[95][96] One such story involves Dearola, a Demi-Prince and daughter of Hircine, who is said to have intermingled with a Reachfolk clan. The Song of Gwyna suggests that she had relations with Reachfolk, and one of her descendants, Chief Rowolan, was renowned for his mythical prowess, possibly due to his lineage. However, variations of the song exist, and they all lead to the tragic demise of Rowolan's bloodline.[96]

Certain Reachfolk groups such as Eagleseer Clan have been labeled as bawdy by an account of a foreigner.[97] Some other Reachfolk were known for using innuendos in advertisement of their wares.[98] Hroltar the Boaster has made several exaggerated statements about his escapades involving multiple Wispmothers, a Giantesses, and two dozen Nord shieldmaidens. The validity of these claims remains uncertain.[99]

Certain stone statues depicting Hagravens were thought to serve as fertility idols, although another interpretation of these carvings is that they simply depict hagravens who have gorged themselves on small children [100] Hagravens can allegedly curse individuals with infertility.[101]


Hag's Breath, a potent aphrodisiac, is sometimes gifted to newly-wed Redguards on their wedding day.[102]


Giants have been known to gather regularly at ceremonial sites. Here, they come together to trade, mate, and communicate with whatever methods they have developed.[103] One tale tells of a Giant family residing on Mount Trolhetta consisting of a male giant and a female giantess raising their child together.[104] Female giants are not often seen by other races. Although Giants have no known written language, they seem to have an affinity for spiral motifs. This particular pattern (shared by ancient Nordic craftsmanship) is often depicted as scars on their torsos, carved into their mammoth's tusks, or painted onto various rocks, trees, and walls within their encampments. Observers have speculated that this rudimentary art possibly entices females, marks territory, or is simply artistic expression.[105]


Madam Whim, Dark Seducer owner of the House of Whims
Lurker Spawn, an example of daedric young

Unlike mortals, Daedra do not typically reproduce or endure the process of giving birth and consider the mortal way crude, messy, or boring.[UOL 8][106] The mortal words for parents, such as "father", instead have a meaning more akin to "creator" or "master" in Oblivion.[UOL 8] Despite this, some Daedric beings, usually those that imitate Nirn's creatures, do reproduce in more conventional manners, such as Nocturnal's Crow Daedra who lay eggs to hatch more of their kind.[107][108] Similarly, Skein Wasps also produce their own young.[109] Nightmare Animals exist in juvenile forms and do grow up to adulthood, but whether they reproduce normally or are created young is unknown.[110] The same goes for Skein Spiders, who lay eggs.[111] Lurkers are an example of a truly unique Daedra capable of having offspring, they are known to have aquatic spawn.[112]

Despite the general lack of typical reproduction, at least some Daedra enjoy the act of sex itself, even joining with mortals[113][114][115][116] albeit sometimes in a sadistic manner.[117][118] Daedric Seducers have sometimes engaged in consensual sex with mortals, though this is dangerous and typically results in injury.[116] Likewise, sex with Spider Daedra can end up with similar results.[115] Some Spider Daedra found the act of causing others pain arousing.[106] At the House of Whims, Dark Seducer harems sometimes rent the space for their sensual encounters.[114]


A dragonling, an alleged young dragon

Dragons are said to have always existed, a statement backed up by other immortal beings, scholars have thus concluded that they do not mate or lay eggs.[119][120][121] Despite this there are many claims of dragons having offspring, often in legends or dubious tales.[122][123][119][124][UOL 3] The Dragonlings of the Iliac Bay are sometimes believed to be young dragons,[125][126] however scholars claim they are merely oversized lizards, with no relation to true dragons.[119] One very unlikely tale claims that dragons can reproduce with mortals, and that their offspring are capable of transforming into creatures called wyverns.[122]

Dragons largely appear to be male or to have a single sex. However there are accounts of female dragons in the historical-fiction, King Edward.[127] There are also claims that Jills, mythical creatures said to be responsible for fixing the world during Dragon Breaks,[128] are female dragons.[UOL 9][UOL 10]

Religion & CultureEdit


A statue of Dibella

While Dibella is primarily worshipped as the Goddess of Beauty,[81] Love,[129] and Affection.[130], she is also widely regarded as a lustful and passionate goddess[131][132] to the extent that she's known as the Divine who "pays Men in Moans".[133]

Worshippers of Dibella who lean to the erotic aspects of her sphere may partake in erotic instruction[81] and hand out 'Marks of Dibella' to those they sleep with.[89] Dibella's followers sometimes wear porcelain masks when they wish to honor the goddess through anonymous bestowals of affection.[134]

Followers of Dibella advise against courting vampires, considering it impossible for them to feel true "untainted" lust.[130]

A statue of Morwha


Morwha is the Yokudan goddess of fertility.[81][135] She was described by some as a lusty goddess, albeit not as lustful as Dibella.[132]. Worshippers of the goddess typically put emphasis on her breasts, commonly exclaiming by her "teat", "tit" and "bosom".[136][137][138][139] This focus extends to their art and apparel, such as ornate teaspoons depicting her breasts and bosom-harnesses worn during plays regarding the goddess.[140][141] Morwha is always portrayed as four-armed, so that she can "grab more husbands".[81]


Death Dealer's Fete, worn during rigorous activity

Sanguine, known as the Lord of Revelry[142]:293 is the Prince of Lust, Perversion and Dark Indulgences. Anything in excess is his motto.[143][144]:11[145]

His followers make love to honor him[146][147] and sometimes wear masks to conceal their identities.[148] They partake in rituals of pain and pleasure, caressing each other's bodies and faces to mark one another in Sanguine's name.[149][150]

During Saturalia, it is commonplace for the youth of Elinhir to gift one another lewd and promiscuous presents, anonymously daring their peers to partake in licentious behavior.[151] Worshippers of Sanguine often seek taboo pleasures.[UOL 11]


The Sacellum Arden-Sul

In the Mania, it is said that the prophet Arden-Sul and his two hundred and thirteen followers met their ends in an overindulgent and hedonistic orgy. This apex of hedonism supposedly caused the hearts of each attendee to explode, with Arden-Sul himself being the last to perish in a moment of pure bliss. The location of this revelry became an important religious site in the Mad God's realm.[152]

Mephala WorshipEdit

The Daedric Prince Mephala

Mephala, also known as the Webspinner,[153] is associated with sex and intrigue. This is reflected both violently and subtly in the forms of orgies and courtship respectively.[154][155] Her cultists use sex and seduction as tools, and induction into these groups often requires prospective members to engage in such activities. This has earned them a reputation for being "debauched orgy clubs".[156] A forbidden text associated with Mephala includes detailed illustrations of various sensual arrangements.[157]


Crassius Curio, an author known for erotic writings

The people of Tamriel have invented a variety of goods and activites revolving around sexual satisfaction. Erotic literature and artwork appears in most cultures.[72][41][158][35][62][67][83][84][157][58][159] Beings such as vampires and lycanthropes also appear in some erotica.[160][161][162] Hermaeus Mora found that the seemingly infinite books about mortal sex made decent structural support in his Endless Library.[UOL 12]

Perhaps the most well known piece of sexual literature is The Lusty Argonian Maid.[163] This bawdy work features the titular lusty Argonian maid and originated from a long line of stories told by traveling bards, each with its own unique spin on the tale.[164] Its popularity grew to the point of spin-offs, such as song adaptations[165] and art folios.[166] Despite this bardic origin, by the Third Era most believed it to have been written by the Imperial Crassius Curio.

Toys for erotic play such as whips, leather-bindings and the 'Amorous Giantess' set were also found in bedrooms throughout Tamriel in the Second Era.[167][168][169][71]

Some establishments also provided sexual entertainment, such as Prostitutes Guild chapters[170][57] and various other brothels throughout Tamriel.[69][70] Some of businesses offered these services only secretly.[89]


Illegalization of certain carnal activities and writings has been done throughout Tamriel, primarily by the Alessian Order. One such example is an erotic article titled the Conquest of the Falmer.[159] Most of the time, however, the law prevents much darker aspects of society from being in public view. Necrophiliacs have their dark urges either suppressed by the law or driven underground away from society.[171][172][173][174] Some have described phantasms as feeling unlike anything else, like an electrifying connection no living person could match.[175]

Lleraya Montclair attempting to use vampiric seduction on the Vestige

The Lord of Domination[176], Molag Bal attracts an unsavory crowd. Female followers of Molag Bal are traditionally offered to him on his summoning day. Being selected as an offering is seen as an honor and selectees are expected to go through with the ritual. Few survive, but those who do emerge as pure-blooded vampires.[177] The first to have suffered this "tradition" was Lamae Beolfag, the original vampire.[178] Some vampires use their dark powers to bend the wills of others through arcane seduction.[179]

Some mages have used magic to torture others through bursts of extraordinary sexual ecstasy, breaking the minds of those affected by it. These magics can be of such power that its victims beg for more after it ends.[180]:Chapter 5specific page number. will find later.

Some Dremora show interest in sexually defiling the corpses of mortals.[117][118] At the House of Whims, mortals can partake in the "Constrictions of Moath", though they have difficulty enduring this act and always retain physical injuries, some even dying in the process. For this reason, Madam Whim does not permit her employees to administer the Constrictions of Moath on Nirnlings at too frequent an interval.[113] Some conjurers have displayed attraction to their summons, particularly Flame Atronachs.[181]

Various illegal bedroom products exist throughout Tamriel.[50][87]


Spawning slaughterfish

The inhabitants of Tamriel selectively breed many creatures to better serve specific roles, whether that be as pets, mounts,[182][183] food,[184] or to aid the overall environment.[185][186] There are several examples of hybrids and crossbreeds among the creatures of Tamriel, such as Mules, Wolfdogs and Bristlegut Pigs.[187][188] Some creatures such as horses and durzogs can be altered in their mother's wombs when exposed to certain magics.[189][190]

Most species of arthropod are capable of producing vast amounts of eggs or larvae, with many having specialized castes or queens dedicated to the act of reproduction. Kwama have huge and bloated queens that produce all of a nest's eggs.[191] Some varieties of spider serve as queens, such as Web Mothers and the Diamond Spider Queen.[192][193] Bees and wasps are common insects that have queens.[194][195] Kotu Gava Broodmothers are capable of rapidly producing spawn to defend themselves.[196] Yaghra Monstrosities are a strange variety of Yaghra capable of producing overwhelming amounts of Larval Yaghra.[197]

Certain arthropods can reproduce parasitically. Giant Wasps can reproduce rapidly by injecting eggs into the bodies of other creatures, which quickly emerge as young wasps.[198] An Elytra possesses a large thorax that functions as their womb, and is also where an Elytra's ichor forms. This ichor's purpose is to paralyze a foe, and if the Elytra deems the paralyzed to be a worthy host, she will nest her eggs within the host, sustaining the young with the host's warm flesh.[199]

Some creatures have multiple possible means of reproduction. Indriks are often "born" by manifesting in the wild as a result of the occurrence of natural phenomena, without the need for an existing indrik to sire them.[200][201] Depsite this, Indriks are capable of reproducing normally, some Altmer even managed to breed them in captivity during the Second Era.[202] Mantikoras are usually created by alchemical processes in special spawning pools, but some are created with the ability to breed like normal creatures.[203]

Weather can sometimes affect the mating habits of creatures. Circa 2E 565, unseasonably warm weather in Skyrim drove hordes of trolls across the western half of the province while "locked in unspeakably horrid acts." High King Svargrim personally stopped the rampage, splitting many of the mating trolls. This event was later known as the Great Troll Rut.[204]


Dimorphism in elven ears
Differences between a Kagouti and a Bull Kagouti

"Sexual dimorphism" refers to the phenomenon of individuals of different sexes from the same species developing different physical characteristics, such as the development of breasts in women. Some of the Tamrielic races and animals present these dimorphic characteristics.

Bosmer women can grow taller than men[205] and most elves have differing ear shapes and sizes between sexes. Male ears tend to be bigger than their female counterparts in Altmer, Dunmer and Orcs, with the opposite being true in Bosmer.[205][206][207][208]

Kagouti prominently show dimorphism in both their appearance and mating habits. Male specimens tend to be larger and more colorful, while the females are smaller and duller.[209] Despite this, females are the dominant sex during mating and often attack their male counterparts.[210] Netches also present similar differences. Male ("bull") netches are larger than the smore aggresive female ("betty") netches.[211][212][213]

Some animals use pheromones to communicate with other members of their species. Some, such as the female dragon frog, use them to attract mates.[214] Betty netches and their calves, on the other hand, secrete pheromones when they feel threatened to drive nearby bull netches to aggression.[215][216]


The Nymph, a race known for promiscuity

A variety of other sexual items and topics exist in Tamriel.

Tamriel denizens have been known to use book jackets to hide the covers of indecent tomes[217], while others owned journals filled with names, addresses and ratings of "companions".[218] Some Daedric charms were also believed to bring luck in carnal affairs.[219] Other such luck inducing trinkets of the more Divine variety also existed.[220] Fertility idols, totems and fetishes exist in most cultures throughout Tamriel.[63][221][55][222][86][223][74][224][225] Some have partaken in drugs which make sexual experience akin to "floating on the surface of time".[83]

Heart's Day, (also called Lovers' Day)[226] is a holiday celebrated all over Tamriel on the 16th of Sun's Dawn (which coincides with Sanguine's summoning day). Inns typically offer free bedrooms on this day.[227]. In honor of Heart's day flower petals, sweetrolls, and much more are brought into the bedroom to properly set a mood. Each item helps those so inclined to fulfill on the day's delightful promise with their partners in the adventure called life. Flowers associated with Dibella are picked for the occasion.[228]

King Hrol was a possibly insane king who, in an attempt to restore the united Empire of old, made love to a hillock which he believed Alessia's spirit resided in. This act cost him his life.[229] Some vials of his famously fertilized soil were sold throughout Tamriel.[230]

The denizens of Umbriel were not familiar with the concept of sexual reproduction, being born fully grown from the Marrow Sump. Some likened a child to being a parasite and considered child-birth revolting. Despite this, they were fully aware of sex, using copulation and procreation interchangeably.[231]:Part 3, Chapter 2

It was unknown whether Hobs were creatures that reproduced or grew in a normal way, or if they were grown from proforms like the other people of Umbriel.[231]:Part 3, Chapter 10 Supposedly, some chefs in Umbriel would train their Hobs to perform "unconventional" favors for them.[231]:Part 2, Chapter 4

Nymphs have a reputation for being promiscuous and having indiscriminate sex with other races, however these pornographic tales may simply be exaggeration or hersey.[232] Nereids, who are sometimes called Water Nymphs, are similarly known as beautiful and sweet, but are vain and dangerous creatures. Due to this, writings on their sexual nature are rampant.[233][234] Some have implied that Nereids may give their thanks in "jubilant" manners.[235]

Factotums exhibit the ability to compose poetry containing suggestive undertones.[236] Certain factotums, like the Precursor, even possess gustatory sensors installed in their pelvises. It was speculated that Vivec was responsible for such additions.[237] Among its multifarious functions, AIOS, the master factotum created by Sotha Sil also registered the copulation rate of the inhabitants of the Clockwork City.[238]

Despite their nature as golems, gargoyles have been known to pay amorous attention to non-living statues that have been carved to resemble fellow gargoyles.[239]



  • Saint Vitache, Breton Patron Saint of Millers, Scissor-Grinders, and Bathhouse Attendants could be interpreted as a sapphic innuendo.[240]
  • Sex was intended to be a mechanic in Daggerfall that the player could partake in, either as the result of favors from NPCs or the hiring of prostitutes, which would trigger a cutscene depicting painted art (similar to the Vampirism cutscene). It was ultimately cut from the final game, though errant strings of dialogue with NPCs regarding this mechanic still remain in the files; Todd Howard commented that he still has the original art for it in a cabinet, which he said "was tastefully done of course".[241] Battlespire, which began as a DLC for Daggerfall, did eventually integrate this mechanic through dialogue with Perthan and Seducers.[116]
  • Inbreeding possesses negative connotations in Mundus and beyond: when seeking to insult someone's intelligence to a grave degree, one may compare them to an inbred rodent.[242]

See AlsoEdit


  1. ^ a b c d e Notes on Racial Phylogenythe Council of Healers, Imperial University
  2. ^ a b Aeliah Renmus's dialogue in ESO: Dragonhold
  3. ^ "Humanoid Races" Generic Dialogue in Morrowind
  4. ^ Lord Bacaro Volorus in ESO
  5. ^ Origin of the Gray Prince quest in Oblivion
  6. ^ The Real Barenziah, Part IXAnonymous
  7. ^ The Lost Fort Faleria
  8. ^ Appearance of Half Giants in ESO: Greymoor
  9. ^ Gjalder's dialogue in ESO
  10. ^ Captain Murthin's dialogue in ESO: Greymoor
  11. ^ a b The Tonenaka Shrine — Magnate Feina-Darak
  12. ^ Sellonus's Journal Vol. 1 — Sellonus
  13. ^ Lyranth the Foolkiller Answers Your QuestionsLyranth the Foolkiller
  14. ^ On MinotaursNonus Caprenius, Temporarily Unaffiliated Scholar of Imperial Antiquities
  15. ^ A wall hanging in Oblivion
  16. ^ Lamias of CraglornTheoderic Peron
  17. ^ The Improved Emperor's Guide to Tamriel: HammerfellFlaccus Terentius, 2E 581
  18. ^ Daggerfall User's Guide
  19. ^ Harridan's Lair loading screen in ESO
  20. ^ Orzorga's comments about harpy viscera during A Healthy Choice in ESO
  21. ^ The Scaled ElvesMarin Laroix
  22. ^ Divayth Fyr's dialogue in Morrowind
  23. ^ Revolting Life Cycle of the DreughFronto Maecilius
  24. ^ From Frog to ManMeekus Ralbrek
  25. ^ Further Notes on the SloadTelenger the Artificer
  26. ^ Generic Dialogue in Morrowind
  27. ^ Pocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition: Aldmeri DominionImperial Geographical Society, 2E 864
  28. ^ Amalien in ESO
  29. ^ Manacar's dialogue in ESO
  30. ^ a b c The Real BarenziahAnonymous
  31. ^ Vika's dialogue in Oblivion: Shivering Isles
  32. ^ Direnni Palatial Art Antiquity Codex entry in ESO: Greymoor
  33. ^ a b c The Bretons: Mongrels or Paragons?Phrastus of Elinhir
  34. ^ Guide to Approved Methods of Procreation item description in ESO
  35. ^ a b Book of Erotic Stories item description in ESO
  36. ^ Laurosse's dialogue in ESO
  37. ^ The Argonian Mating RitualValrendil of the Crystal Tower, Research-Appointee to the Thalmor
  38. ^ Mark of Egg-Births
  39. ^ Veesk-Olan's correspondence in ESO
  40. ^ Ux-Deelith Mezatil's dialogue during Something About Stibbons in ESO: Murkmire
  41. ^ a b Erotic Argonian Etchings item description in ESO
  42. ^ Pocket Guide to the Empire, 3rd Edition: All the Eras of Man, A Comprehensive History of our HistoryImperial Geographical Society, 3E 432
  43. ^ Loremaster's Archive - Tamriel's DungeonsDhulef
  44. ^ a b Modern Day Bretons: Man or Mer? — Vastyr Historian Filibert Beauchamp
  45. ^ Pocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition: High RockImperial Geographical Society, 2E 864
  46. ^ The Beast of GalenPhrastus of Elinhir
  47. ^ Pointed Ears for Bretons during Character Creation in ESO
  48. ^ Crimes of the Daggerfall CovenantAicantar of Shimmerene, Sapiarch of Indoctrination
  49. ^ Loremaster's Archive - Bretons & High IsleLady Arabelle
  50. ^ a b Amorous Incense of Mara item description in ESO
  51. ^ Waking Day holiday in Daggerfall
  52. ^ The Sea Runs Restless quest in ESO: Firesong
  53. ^ Minahel's NoteMinahel
  54. ^ Ritual of Life's Commencement
  55. ^ a b Ebony Mermaid Figurine item description in ESO
  56. ^ Ludovic Laumont's hireling correspondence #203 in Online
  57. ^ a b Mystery of Talara, v 4Mera Llykith
  58. ^ a b c JokesButha Sunhous
  59. ^ Crafting Motif 3: Wood Elf StyleDoctor Alfidia Lupus
  60. ^ Eveli Sharp-Arrow's dialogue during The Emperor's Secret in ESO: Blackwood
  61. ^ Finoriell's dialogue during The Perils of Diplomacy in ESO
  62. ^ a b Erotic Green Pact Drawings item description in ESO
  63. ^ a b Green Lady Fertility Fetish item description in ESO
  64. ^ A Dance in Fire, Chapter 4Waughin Jarth
  65. ^ Ayleid Survivals in ValenwoodCuinur of Cloudrest, 4th Tier Scholar of Tamrielic Minutiae
  66. ^ Ancient Fertility Totem Antiquity Codex entry in ESO: Greymoor
  67. ^ a b Edifying Illusio-Scope item description in ESO
  68. ^ Potted Valenwood Flytrap item description in ESO
  69. ^ a b Desele's House of Earthly Delights in Morrowind and ESO: Morrowind
  70. ^ a b The Ebony Flask in ESO
  71. ^ a b Gem-Studded Copper "Bedroom Yam" item description in ESO
  72. ^ a b Llirala's Amorous Articles item description in ESO
  73. ^ The 36 Lessons of VivecVivec
  74. ^ a b Mother Morrowind Fertility Fetish item description in ESO
  75. ^ Critter Dangers: Telvanni Peninsula
  76. ^ Cyrodilic Boudoir Etching item description in ESO
  77. ^ Magnate Feina-Darak's dialogue in ESO
  78. ^ The Moon Cats and their DanceClan Mother Ahnissi
  79. ^ Sezdi-dra the Alfiq from ESO: Elsweyr has three Cathay children, including Keeaz
  80. ^ Moon Bishop Hunal Answers Your QuestionsMoon Bishop Hunal
  81. ^ a b c d e Varieties of Faith...Brother Mikhael Karkuxor of the Imperial College
  82. ^ Marakar's dialogue in ESO: Summerset
  83. ^ a b c The Wolf QueenWaughin Jarth
  84. ^ a b Pamphlet of Erotic Engravings item description in ESO
  85. ^ Dibella's Bosom Night Favor item description in ESO
  86. ^ a b Mara Fertility Fetish item description in ESO
  87. ^ a b Intense Incense of Mara item description in ESO
  88. ^ Belfrost the Shy's dialogue in ESO
  89. ^ a b c Caught Red Handed quest in Skyrim
  90. ^ Ashgel's dialogue in ESO: Orsinium
  91. ^ Oaken Fertility Totem item description in ESO
  92. ^ Silver Vial of Alit Horn Powder item description in ESO
  93. ^ Meet the Character - Domihaus the Bloody-HornedGherig Bullblood
  94. ^ The Improved Emperor's Guide to Tamriel: Northern Bangkorai and the MountainsFlaccus Terentius, 2E 581
  95. ^ Pocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition: High RockImperial Geographical Society, 2E 864
  96. ^ a b The Translated Works of Tosmorn, IIIXandier Edette
    Edited by Vanesse Aurilie
  97. ^ A Year Among the Eagleseer ClanGlabrian Tuliel, University of Gwylim
  98. ^ Keltorgan's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
  99. ^ Hroltar the Boaster's dialogue in ESO
  100. ^ Hagmother Statue item description in ESO: Greymoor
  101. ^ Devbarth's dialogue in ESO
  102. ^ Left at the Altar quest in ESO
  103. ^ Giants: A DiscourseKord the Curious
  104. ^ The Silver WerewolfHildegard
  105. ^ All About GiantsBonorion the Wanderer
  106. ^ a b Spider Daedra dialogue in Battlespire
  107. ^ Allereth's dialogue in ESO
  108. ^ Rugrol's dialogue in ESO
  109. ^ Skein Wasp and Young Skein Wasp appearances in ESO
  110. ^ Nightmare Wolf Pup pet description in ESO
  111. ^ Skein Spider Hatchling appearance in ESO
  112. ^ Fishing in ESO
  113. ^ a b Oruuzyn's dialogue in ESO: The Deadlands
  114. ^ a b Madam Whim's dialogue in ESO: The Deadlands
  115. ^ a b Perthan Vorn's dialogue in Battlespire
  116. ^ a b c Seducer's dialogue in Battlespire
  117. ^ a b Anhaedra's dialogue in Morrowind
  118. ^ a b Dialogue of Shrine Guardian in Legends
  119. ^ a b c There Be DragonsTorhal Bjorik
  120. ^ Loremaster's Archive - Dragons in the Second EraCamilla Calsivius
  121. ^ Blue Dragon Imp pet description in ESO
  122. ^ a b Alchemy's dialogue in ESO: Summerset
  123. ^ The Elf, the Egg, and the Almost-Dragon
  124. ^ Baby Drake emote in Blades
  125. ^ The Dragonslayer quest in Daggerfall
  126. ^ Player Background History in Daggerfall
  127. ^ King Edward
  128. ^ French Translation of A Child's Tamriel Bestiary
  129. ^ Loading screen in Oblivion
  130. ^ a b Augustine Viliane Answers Your Questions — Sibyl Augustine Viliane
  131. ^ Song of Hrormir
  132. ^ a b 2920, Sun's HeightCarlovac Townway
  133. ^ Pocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition: InvocationImperial Geographical Society, 2E 864
  134. ^ Dibella's Doll Mask, Human / Elf hat description in ESO
  135. ^ Blessed, Blessed SatakalaamThe Unveiled Azadiyeh, Songbird of Satakalaam
  136. ^ Fadeel's dialogue in ESO
  137. ^ Rahannal's dialogue in ESO
  138. ^ Sarveeyah at-Wildur's dialogue in ESO
  139. ^ Yisara's dialogue in ESO: Blackwood
  140. ^ Silver "Lady Morwha" Teaspoon Set item description in ESO
  141. ^ Prince Hulajabad's Double Bosoms item description in ESO
  142. ^ The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Prima Official Game Guide — David Hodgson
  143. ^ The Book of Daedra
  144. ^ The Daggerfall Chronicles — Ronald Wartow
  145. ^ Dialogue during Sanguine's Quest in Daggerfall
  146. ^ Engorm's dialogue in Oblivion
  147. ^ Sanguine's quest in Oblivion
  148. ^ Speaker Terenus's dialogue during Sacrament: Sewer Tenement in ESO: Dark Brotherhood
  149. ^ Thorns of Ecstasy Face Marks head marking description in ESO
  150. ^ Thorns of Ecstasy Body Marks body marking description in ESO
  151. ^ New Life Festival Interview
  152. ^ The Prophet Arden-Sul
  153. ^ Inexplicable Patron: MephalaDivayth Fyr
  154. ^ Izzara's dialogue during A Marriage in Ruins in ESO
  155. ^ Vivec and Mephala
  156. ^ Interview with a Spider Cultist
  157. ^ a b Mephala's Book of Silken Sheets item description in ESO
  158. ^ Lady A's Amorous Articles item description in ESO
  159. ^ a b Conquest of the Falmer item description in ESO
  160. ^ "Erotica For Werewolves" item description in ESO
  161. ^ Boiling Blood Anthology item description in ESO
  162. ^ Read No Further! item description in ESO
  163. ^ The Lusty Argonian MaidCrassius Curio
  164. ^ The Argonian Maid—An Oral TraditionTelenger the Artificer
  165. ^ The Lusty Argonian Maid, A Song
  166. ^ "Lusty Argonian Maid" Art Folio item description in ESO
  167. ^ Riding Crop Heirloom item description in ESO
  168. ^ "Any Port in a Storm" Boudoir Game item description in ESO
  169. ^ "Amorous Giantess" Royal Ensemble item description in ESO
  170. ^ History of the Fighters Guild
  171. ^ Falanu Hlaalu's dialogue in Oblivion
  172. ^ Ferordomas's dialogue in ESO
  173. ^ Couplets in Admiration of the DeadFerordomas
  174. ^ Toying With The Dead quest in Skyrim
  175. ^ Arondil's JournalArondil
  176. ^ Molag Bal's dialogue during God of Schemes in ESO
  177. ^ Valerica's dialogue during Beyond Death‎ in Skyrim: Dawnguard
  178. ^ Opusculus Lamae Bal ta MezzamortieMabei Aywenil, Scribe
  179. ^ Lleraya Montclair in ESO
  180. ^ Lord of SoulsGreg Keyes
  181. ^ Melyn Drad's dialogue during Love Among the Fire in ESO: Blackwood
  182. ^ Frost's Identity Papers
  183. ^ Doom Wolf's description in ESO
  184. ^ Lady Honnorah af-Lahreq Answers Your QuestionsLady Honnorah af-Lahreq
  185. ^ Bitter Coast Cliff Strider pet description in ESO
  186. ^ Restoring the WelwasAmbolisse, Sapiarch of Zoological Studies
  187. ^ Hjalti in Fighter's Stronghold download for Oblivion
  188. ^ Bristlegut Piglet pet description in ESO
  189. ^ Welkynd-Born Courser mount description in ESO
  190. ^ Frostborn Durzog Mangler mount description in ESO
  191. ^ Generic Dialogue in Morrowind
  192. ^ Spider Queen in ESO
  193. ^ Events of Silk Farm Hunt in Blades
  194. ^ Queen Bee Statue in Skyrim
  195. ^ Wasp Queens in ESO
  196. ^ Kotu Gava Broodmothers in ESO
  197. ^ Yaghra Monstrosities in ESO
  198. ^ Giant Wasps in ESO
  199. ^ An Elytra's LifeKarmelle
  200. ^ Autumnal Indrik pet description in ESO
  201. ^ Mossheart Indrik mount description and appearance in ESO
  202. ^ Nenulaure's dialogue in ESO
  203. ^ Regent Cassipia's dialogue during Slithering Brood in ESO
  204. ^ Meet the Character - High King SvargrimPjetr the Skald, of the Bards College
  205. ^ a b Appearance of Bosmer in ESO
  206. ^ Appearance of Dunmer in ESO
  207. ^ Appearance of Altmer in ESO
  208. ^ Appearance of Orcs in ESO
  209. ^ Appearance of Kagouti and Bull Kagouti in ESO
  210. ^ Kagouti Mating HabitsEdras Oril
  211. ^ Physical appearance of bull and betty netches in Morrowind
  212. ^ Physical appearance of bull and betty netches in Dragonborn
  213. ^ Physical appearance of bull and betty netches in ESO
  214. ^ Velsa's dialogue during Cleaning House in ESO
  215. ^ Talym Rend's dialogue in the mission Meliel's Farm in Isle of Madness
  216. ^ Iron-Claws' dialogue during Unorthodox Tactics in ESO
  217. ^ False Book Jacket item description in ESO
  218. ^ Little Black Journal item description in ESO
  219. ^ Carapace Love Charm item description in ESO
  220. ^ Ruby-Studded Dibella Statue item description in ESO
  221. ^ Bedside Fertility Censer item description in ESO
  222. ^ Hagmother Statue item description in ESO
  223. ^ Mother Mara Fertility Beads item description in ESO
  224. ^ Sumptuous Fertility Pillow item description in ESO
  225. ^ Uxith Stone Carving item description in ESO
  226. ^ 2920, Sun's DawnCarlovac Townway
  227. ^ Heart's Day holiday in Daggerfall
  228. ^ Heart's Day Retreat Furnishing Pack description in ESO
  229. ^ Remanada
  230. ^ Vial of Soil from Hrol's Hillock item description in ESO
  231. ^ a b c The Infernal CityGreg Keyes
  232. ^ A Scholar's Guide to NymphsVondham Barres
  233. ^ A Nereid Stole My Husband
  234. ^ The Nereid's DilemmaAnthil Morvir
  235. ^ Glirion the Redbeard's dialogue during Pledge: Arx Corinium in ESO
  236. ^ Love Poem LT0782 — The Clockwork Archivist
  237. ^ The Precursor's dialogue in ESO: Clockwork City
  238. ^ Residential Logistics LogAIOS
  239. ^ Statuary Complications
  240. ^ Northglen Farm OpportunitiesMarge Gaercroft
  241. ^ Most Memorable Elder Scrolls Moments - Codex
  242. ^ Squire Caw's dialogue in ESO

Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.